
    Abstract As globalization further develops, the frequent language contact has increased the number of people who are bilingual or multilingual. In bilingual communities, a great deal of switching back and forth from one language to another one may be observed. A lot of scholars have focused on the study of code-switching since 1970s and have made excellent achievements. However, there are rare researches on code-switching from the perspective of pragmatics.69706

    Advertisement, as a special means of expression in the commercial activities, has a growing influence on our life. The blooming advertising industry will definitely result in the emergence and development of code-switching. The thesis chooses advertising language as the subject, trying to analyze code-switching from the perspective of the theory of Verschueren’s Linguistic Adaptation Theory and reveals the types of code-switching in advertising and its pragmatic functions. It lists the adaptability of code-switching in advertising, which can direct the advertising design and enlighten readers' understanding, thus providing a new perspective of code-switching for the future research.

    Keywords: advertising; code-switching; adaptability; linguistic adaptation





    1. Introduction.5

    2. Literature review.6

    2.1 The researches on code-switching at home and abroad……………..6

    3. Theoretical Framework……………………………………………..9

    3.1 Verschueren's Adaptation Theory…………………………………9

    4.The Applications of Code-switching in Advertisements..10

    4.1 Adaptation to consumer’s psychological satisfaction ..10

    4.2 Adaptation to brand building.11

    4.3 Adaptation to conciseness .12

    4.4 Adaptation to distinguishable effect...12

    4.5 Adaptation to euphemism..13

    4.6 Adaptation to creativity or imagination.13

    4.7 Inappropriate applications of code-switching and resolution14

    5. Conclusion..14

    Works Cited...16


    With the further development of global economy, advertisements have been penetrating into every field of the society and have become one of the important parts in people’s life. In the bilingual communities, code-switching is often applied to advertisements. Many scholars are interested in the phenomenon, so they carried out a series of researches on it. Those previous studies can be mainly discusssed from four approaches: syntax, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, conversational analysis. Grammarians put forward some general rules to use code-switching; socialinguists clarified the close relationship between code-switching and social factors that influence the usage of code-switching; psycholinguists explains the user’s logical thinking and cognitive state in the process of code-switching; conversational analysis reveals the dynamic process of code-switching by analyzing the conversation building. 文献综述

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