
    Abstract This thesis is based on the studies on language features of Foreign Business Correspondence. Through the analysis of necessity and advantages of foreign business correspondence, the author discusses the manifestations of simplified Foreign Business Correspondence. As a result, we can confirm how to write foreign business correspondence in practice and achieve desirable results. Foreign Business Correspondence is a content-rich, highly practical language course. With the development of society, practitioners are required to adapt to the simplistic trend of foreign business correspondence, use business correspondence terms proficiently and develop an ability to simplify English language. This thesis focuses on characteristics of foreign business correspondence, the core ideology of which is to reflect the conciseness and accuracy of foreign business correspondence. The article consists of five parts: introduction; literature review; simplistic characteristics and importance of foreign business correspondence; how to simplify the language of correspondence; conclusion. 69705

    Keywords: foreign business correspondence; language features; simplification




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    2.1 The definition of Foreign Business Correspondence 2

    2.2 The definition of simplification 3

    2.3 The reasons of simplification 4

    3. Principles of Simplification 5

    3.1 Clarity 5

    3.2 Conciseness 6

    3.3 Correctness 7

    3.4 Active instead of passive 7

    4. The Ways of Making Foreign Business Correspondence Simple 8

    4.1 Grasp the characteristics of letter 8

    4.2 Make letter clear 9

    4.3 Compress the structure of letter 10

    4.4 Use correct and concrete words 10

    4.5 Make sentences refined and short 11

    4.6 Use simple vocabulary 12

    5. Conclusion 14

    Works Cited 15

    1. Introduction

         With the process of global economic integration accelerating, international business cooperation is strengthening. After our entry into WTO, the relationship with each member is closer and closer, and the trade with foreign countries and technological cooperation are developing rapidly. As the world trade is flourishing, foreign business correspondence which acts as a baseline for trade line and business activity plays an indispensable role in international business. Establishing business line, making deals, executing contract and setting dispute are made through correspondence. The expression of language plays an important role in exchanging messages efficiently, effectively and productively. 文献综述

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