
    As an important means of cultural transmission, film plays an important role in the communication and exchange of cultures. Since the reform and opening up policy of China, amount of Hollywood movies have been imported to Chinese film market, and a wild range of audience were attracted to watch them, but only few audiences are competent English speakers, so subtitle translation began to play a vital role in foreign language movies. However, as an uncommon translation form, subtitle translation brings translators a real big challenge. The traditional full translation can not satisfy the audience any more, thus, the translation variation gradually entered the public view. The application of translation variation in film translation brings a significant effect in translation field. This thesis aims to take the Avengers series for example to compare the official subtitle translation with official subtitle translation from the perspective of translation variation.69600

    Keywords: translation variation; subtitle translation; official translation; online translation 




    1. Introduction5

    2. Literature Review6

    2.1 An overview on translation variation6

    2.2 A brief review on film subtitle translation .7

    3.Analysis on Two Versions of the Subtitle Translation of Avengers from the Perspective of Variation Theory .9

    3.1 A brief introduction to The Avengers.9

    3.2 Different audiences of official translation and online translation of Avengers ..10 

    3.3 The application of variation theory in the subtitle translation of The Avengers.11


    Works Cited16

    1. Introduction 

    With the improvement of people’s living standard, people’ requirements of entertainment also raised up, and watching movies is becoming the most common and favorable entertainment choice for modern people. Especially since amount of Hollywood movies have been imported to Chinese film market, a wild range of audience were attracted to them. Since only few audience are competent English speakers, Chinese subtitle is playing a vital role in foreign language movies now. However, as an uncommon translation form, subtitle translation brings translators a real big challenge. The traditional full translation can not satisfy the audience any more, thus, this paper introduces a new theory called translation variation theory.

    Translation is widely known as one of the most dynamic activities of human spiritual civilization(Huang 46-48).Knowledge explosion is bringing about translation explosion, the new upsurge spreads in more areas, covers more information, includes more themes, applies more advanced devices, effects more people and evoke more dynamic theoretical researches compared with other three upsurges.

    Some new translation theories have been found by Chinese scholars during this upsurge, and translation variation theory proposed by Huang Zhonglian is one of the most outstanding theories. This new and interesting translation theory help to fill in the gaps of Chinese as well as international translation theories and provide a good angle for conducting theoretical research and practice of translation in the new era.

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