
    Abstract Due to the differences between English and Chinese, people tend to migrate Chinese speech habits to English pronunciation when they learn English, which causes some mistakes in English phonetics learning. The paper makes an analysis of the impact of Huai’an dialect on the primary school students’ English phonetics learning. Analyzing the causes of primary students’ pronunciation problems, the writer puts forward some suggestions for the improvement of Huai’an primary school English phonetics learning. It hopes to seek methods of overcoming the negative transference that Huai’an dialect has to English ponetics to improve the quality of English teaching and learning in Huai’an primary schools.69689

    Keywords: English pronounciation; Huai’an dialect; causes




    1.Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    2.1 Former researches on dialect and English phonetics 1

    2.2 Theories in English phonetics learning 2

    2.3 Introduction to English phonetics 4

    2.4 Introduction to Huai’an dialect 5

    3.Huai’an Dialect’s Influence on the English Phonetics Learning of Huai’an Elementary Students 6

    3.1 Huai’an dialect’s influence on students’ pronunciation of phonetic vowels .6

    3.2 Huai’an dialect’s influence on students’ pronunciation of phonetic consonants 6

    3.3 Huai’an dialect’s influence on students’pronunciation of phonetic tone 7

    4.Causes of the English Phonetic Pronunciation of Huai’an Elementary Students 8

    4.1 Mother tongue’s negative transfer 8

    4.2 Teachers’ misleading pronunciation 9

    5. Suggestions for Huai’an Elementary Students to Learn English Phonetics More Effectively 10

    5.1 Suggestions for students to speak classic English 10

    5.2 Suggestions for English teachers to teach phonetics 13

    6. Conclusion 15

    Works Cited 17

    1. Introduction

    With the development of the society and the coming concept of “Developing Chinese to the world”, English teaching plays a more important role in primary school education and the English pronunciation is especially significant. Phonetics is the foundation of learning language, because the phonetics is closely connected with word remembering, listening, oral communication and so on. So we must learn phonetic well to master and improve English level. While learning English phonetics, students are unavoidably affected by many factors. Researches found that the main factor is students' local dialect habits. As a result, improving students’ phonetic learning from primary schools is very important. In this text, by analyzing the influential factors to let students know the knowledge about English pronunciation and dialect, and let them imitate and practice the pure English pronunciation, thus to avoid dialect’s negative effects on English phonetics. 

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