
    Abstract Legal language is characterized by its high degree of preciseness, formality and professionalization. Therefore, it is essential to practice abide by preliminary principles and techniques under the instruction of the theory concerning legal text translation. The main purpose of the thesis is to expound how to accomplish parallel texts having equivalent force of law with original texts. The thesis introduces the conceptual basis for legal text translation and features of legal language. It explains dual functional equivalence theory. It also specifies principles and techniques of legal text translation. Those are important for not only precisely translating and applying legal provisions, but also correctly understanding legal contracts in trade.69703

    Keywords: force of law; Dual Functional Equivalence; principles; techniques




    1. Introduction1

    2. Literature Review2

    3. Legal Language......................................................3

    3.1 Characteristics of legal language....3

    3.2 Statutory definitions and literal definitions.........4

    3.3 Procedures of translating legal language....5

    4. Dual Functional Equivalence ...5

    4.1 Equivalence in linguistic effects...6

    4.2 Equivalence in legal effects........6

    4.3 Application of principle of dual functional equivalence..7

    5. Principles of Legal Text Translation..7

    5.1 Accuracy and preciseness...7

    5.2 Clearness and concision..8

    5.3 Consistency.....8

    6. Techniques of Legal Text Translation............8

    6.1 Conforming to the characteristics and expression habit of legal language.9

    6.2 Insuring target texts’ vocabularies have the same legal meanings with source texts.......9

    6.3 Seeking common points while reserving difference...9

    6.4 Contextualization..10

    6.5 Discovering Legislative Intents....12

    7. Conclusion 13

    Works Cited...15

    1. Introduction 

    Against the circumstance of rule of law, China has integrated into the world with the modernization of law and obtained the access to WTO . The communication of legal culture is ubiquitous in the process. In order to better participate in political and economy activities in international community, China begins to learn from the developed countries, including the use for reference in legal domain. The process can not facilitate without legal text translation. The documents such as contracts, agreements, announcement, manifesto,treaty and various international laws and regulations are bound to play a decisive role in international contact and cooperation. Therefore, the significance of legal text translation becomes increasingly prominent.

    Language variant generates from the variation of communicative environment and objects. Through variant, different languages form their own feature and style which manifest in vocabulary, sentence structure and textual level. Legal language that has its sole characteristics is particularly applied to legal domain. 论文网

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