
    Abstract According to the New Curriculum Standards of Primary English, we know that stimulating students’ learning interest is one of the targets in primary school English teaching. Game teaching has been used from ancient times. Game-teaching method is a good way that students are willing to accept because it can stimulate students’ studying interest and change the traditional teaching model. It provides students  with  a relaxing atmosphere to learn English. This paper discusses the practical meaning of games through citing related studies and giving concrete examples to show how to use this method in real English classes. The application of game-teaching method in primary school English teaching is very effective but some problems should be concerned. This paper will also give  some suggestions in using game-teaching   method.69646

    Key words: game-teaching method; learning interest; English teaching

    摘要 根据新课程标准小学英语我们知道,激发学生的学习兴趣是小学英语教学 的目标之一。游戏教学法自古以来就被使用。它能改变传统的教学方法,激发学 生的学习兴趣,因此学生非常乐于接受这一方法。它使学生在一种轻松的氛围来 学习英语。本文通过引用相关的研究来讨论游戏教学法的实际意义,并且通过一 些具体的可在真实课堂上使用的实例讨论了如何在英语教学中使用游戏法。应用 游戏在小学英语教学中是非常有效的,但是有些问题是需要注意的,本文还指出 了在实际操作中需要注意的问题并给出建议。



    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    2.1 The definition of “game” 1

    2.2 Relevant researches of game-teaching method 2

    3. Advantages of Game-teaching Method in English Teaching 3

    3.1 Learning the language unconsciously 3

    3.2 Stimulating students’ learning interest and motivation 4

    3.3 Developing students’ listening and speaking abilities 5

    3.4 Providing a meaningful context for children 5

    4. Sample Designs of Game-teaching Method in Primary School 6

    4.1 When introducing new lessons 6

    4.2 When teaching new knowledge 7

    4.3 When consolidating knowledge 7

    5. Suggestions in Using Games in English Teaching 8

    5.1 Having specific aims 8

    5.2 Ensuring all the students involved 9

    5.3 Avoiding difficulties and complexity 10

    5.4 Arranging time appropriately

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