
    Abstract In China, English is one of the compulsory subjects in senior middle schools. As we all know, grammar teaching is an essential part of English teaching. But because of many different problems both of the teachers and the students have been puzzled about how to teach and learn grammar more efficiently. Many experts and English teachers also have been taking great pains to it. The students in senior middle school are poor at autonomous study and they cannot realize the grammar knowledge systematically. While quite a lot of their teachers are still teaching grammar with the traditional mode, which overemphasizes the transmission and explanation of knowledge about grammar. Based on the analysis of the current status in grammar teaching in senior middle school, the positive effects of applying the constructivist theory in grammar teaching has been put forward and illustrated in this thesis. So that students’ grammar levels can be strengthened and their comprehensive English competence would be facilitated.69651

    Key words: senior middle school;grammar teaching; constructivism; cooperative learning

    摘要在中国,英语是中学必修课程之一。众所周知,语法教学是英语教学的基本内容。 然而,由于各种各样问题,教师和学生都困惑于语法如何才能有效地教与学。许多专家 和英语教师一直以来也致力于对高中英语语法教学的探究。高中生自主学习能力差,无 法领悟语法规则的体系。而大部分高中英语老师在语法教学中仍然实行传统的教学模 式,过于注重语法知识的传授与讲解。在分析当前高中英语语法教学的现状的基础上, 本论文提出并阐述了将建构zhuyi理论运用于语法教学所产生的积极影响。从而有效地培 养学生的英语语法水平,进一步提高学生的英语综合能力。



    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    3. A Brief Overview on Constructivism theory 3

    3.1 The fundamental views of constructivism 3

    3.2 The teachers’ role in the constructivist theory 4

    3.3 The Theory of Zone of Proximal Development 5

    4. The Natures of Grammar Teaching and Different Modes of Grammar Teaching Used in Our Country 5

    4.1 The natures of grammar teaching 5

    4.2 The different modes of grammar teaching used in our country 6

    4.2.1 The grammar-translation method 6

    4.2.2 The audio-lingual method 7

    4.2.3 The communicative approach 7

    4.2.4 The task-based language teaching (TBLT) 7

    5. The Current Status of Grammar Teaching in Senior Middle School 8

    5.1 Problems in grammar teaching and learning 8


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