

    毕业论文关键词  伦理价值观    唯美zhuyi   奥斯卡·王尔德

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  An Analysis of Aestheticism in Oscar Wild’s The Picture of Dorian Gray 


    As the aestheticism movement pioneer in Britain, Oscar Wilde shows the aesthetic thoughts in the novel, poetry, etc. Through the research object of The Picture of Dorian Gray and method of aestheticism, the paper is devoted to the two parts of comparison Oscar Wilde with Dorian Gray in Ethic and Aesthetic thoughts. By Oscar Wilde’s “No artist has ethical sympathies” and Dorian Gray’s “The Pursuit of Eternal Beauty”, the paper concludes that Art transcends Ethic.

    Keywords   Ethics   Aestheticism   Oscar Wilde

    Table of Contents

    Abstract in Chinese..... ⅰ

    Abstract... ⅱ

    Introduction 1

    1 Oscar Wilde: “No artist has ethical sympathies”...3

    1.1 The Ethics of Oscar Wilde...3

    1.2 The Aesthetics of Oscar Wilde.....4

    2 Dorian Gray: The Pursuit of Eternal Beauty.......6

    2.1 The Ethics of Dorian Gray.......6

    2.2 The Aesthetics of Dorian Gray.........9

    2.3 Art transcends Ethic...12

    Conclusion ...15




    Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (1854–1900) was an Irish writer and poet. He was one of London's most popular playwrights and the representative figure for the Aestheticism Movement in the early 1890s. His writing involves drama, poetry, novel, fairy tale, prose, essay, etc. Many masterpieces in almost every genre have left to the world. They are the classic aesthetic works, especially The Picture of Dorian Gray that is the only published novel, printed in July 1890, showing the persistence of eternal beauty and relations between art and ethic. Oscar Wilde was the head-turning character during the transitional period from traditional literature to modern literature. As the representative figure of aestheticism, his creations have appeared the modern consciousness and aesthetic sense.

    In Oscar Wilde: A Certain Genius, Belford, according to Oscar Wilde’s childhood in Ireland to his growth in London, made the deep research through the raw materials, historical details and anecdotes to open out the whole life of Oscar Wilde and his new understanding of the aestheticism. After one hundred year of Oscar Wilde's death, the book showed the full range of art appreciation and interpretation for the most controversial, elegant and charming man in the 19th century. Oscar Wilde believes that art is a lie, it is not a real story, and no matter theme, characters or scene, it is trying to inspire the reader's imagination and arouse reader's pursuing for the ideal beauty (Belford 14). 

    In “Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, and the (Un)Death of the Author”,  Gomel mainly points out that story from Oscar Wilde has turned to be the famous writer after the book The Picture of Dorian Gray published in London to his death in Paris. In the novel, Oscar Wilde complicates his own notion of the cultivation of the “personality” by showing it is morally dangerous and socially irresponsible through art (Gomel 78). 

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