
    Abstract This thesis is based on the studies of the group cooperative learning. With the development of the new curriculum reform, the teaching focus has changed from the teachers-centered to the students-centered. Meanwhile, the teaching methods have also changed. Group cooperative learning aims to cultivate students’ innovative and cooperative ability. It has changed the traditional way of methods and creates a new teaching method which is to stimulate students’ all-round development ability. The new way also aims to create a happy and relaxing learning environment to stimulate students’ learning interests. The theme of it is to care the all-round development of each student. However, it has appeared many problems during the process of applying, especially in the primary English class. For example, students may have low-efficient and passive discussion. Unscientific group pision and role definition also exist. Meanwhile the old and traditional way of evaluation is also a problem. The focus of the thesis is mainly to analyze the disadvantages of the group cooperative learning from the points of the students’ and the teachers’ views. Then it will provide the correct principles to let students learn how to communicate and cooperate with others. Only in this way can we fundamentally activate the class atmosphere, improve the students’ overall qualities and suit the development of the society.60851

    Key words:  group cooperative learning; primary school English teaching; measure; misunderstanding




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    2.1 The Definition of the Group Cooperative Learning 1

    2.2 The Study of the Group Cooperative Learning in Foreign Countries. 2

    2.3 The Study of the Group Cooperative Learning in China. 2

    3. The Disadvantages of Cooperative Learning from the Students’ Point of View 3

    3.1 Low Efficiency 3

    3.2 Passive Discussion 3

    4. The Disadvantages of Cooperative Learning from the Teachers’ Point of View 4

    4.1 Unscientific Group Divisions 4

    4.2 Unreasonable Role Definition 4

    4.3 The Old and Traditional Way of Evaluation 5

    5. Principles of High-effective Group Learning 5

    5.1 Build Reasonable and High-Effective Groups

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