
    Abstract As we know, how to apply Cooperative Learning in English class effectively has become a heated debate among educational circles. In this thesis, it firstly introduces the idea of Cooperative Learning in English class and the effects of two personalities on Cooperative Learning including introversion and extroversion. It takes a unit from an English book in middle school as an example, and pides the students of a class into three groups: the introversion group, the extroversion group and the mixed group. And then it studies the perse performances of three groups in order to learn the effect of different personalities on Cooperative Learning. Finally, it comes to the conclusion that students with different personalities show distinct performances which influences the Cooperative Learning. The introversion group perform well in listening, the extroversion group do well in speaking, while the mixed group are inclined to integrated skills. Therefore, teachers should consider the balance of students with different personalities in Cooperative Learning to improve the efficiency of learning English.61647

    Key words: English cooperative learning; different personalities; extroversion;    introversion; efficiency of learning English     



     1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    3. Cooperative Learning and Different Personalities 3

    3.1 Cooperative Learning 3

    3.2 Personality 4

    4. English Cooperative Learning in Middle School Class with Different Personalities 6

    4.1 The introversion group---listening group 7

    4.2 The extroversion group---speaking group 10

    4.3 The EX-IN mixed group--- integrated group 12

    5. Analysis of the Case 13

    5.1 Feedback of students from different groups 14

    5.2 Enlightenment to English Cooperative Learning 15

    6. Conclusion 15

    Works Cited 17

    1. Introduction 

         As is known to all, Cooperative learning is one of the most populous models in the teaching field. It has become a widespread educational approach in the United States since 1970. It is a creative and effective approach that we often used in the class which contributes to improving the leaning ability of students. It is a structured, systematic instructional strategy in which small groups work together toward a common goal. In the English class, teachers play the role of guiders while students are the main body to take part in the class, at this time, cooperative learning should be taken into the class for every group to have cooperation especially when teachers assign tasks.

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