
         With the development of education, more and more people realized that learning English is of great importance in class. Cooperative Learning is one of the efficient methods we have been used in class. The course standard points out that, the reform of English course should consider the interests of students, the experience of life and cognitive level. It proposed the learning methods of practice, experience, participation, cooperation and communication to develop students’ competence of comprehensive linguistic performance. Meanwhile, there exist a lot of factors that will affect learning, such as: motivation, emotion, personality, will and interest. All of these are nonintellectual factors. And of all the factors, personality is an important one that has a great influence on the learners in Cooperative Learning. Extroversion and Introversion are the two main forms. They have their own superior position to promote language learning and also, some inferior position to block learning. Therefore, it's significant to study the teaching strategies through analyzing the students' extroverted and introverted personalities. Only in this way can we improve the teaching quality in Cooperative Learning. Combining different personalities with Cooperative Learning, teachers should praise them in the right time and assign various kinds of tasks in cooperation in that students have different personalities. In a word, it is necessary to study the relation between different personalities and cooperative learning in order to improve the efficiency of learning. 源:自/751-·论,文'网·www.751com.cn/

    2. Literature Review

         Cooperative Learning has recently become a heated discussion that arouses great attention among people. A lot of experts are interested in doing researches on Cooperative Learning and different personalities. As for students, it is very important to realize their personalities and take full use of it in English Cooperative Learning Class. Cooperative Learning has so far attracted many researchers from various perspectives both at home and abroad. In the linguistic area, Cook (1991:14) first put forward “The learners’ personality may promote or restrain the development of second language acquisition.” With respect to Cooperative Learning, Panitz (1996:27) deem that Cooperative Learning groups work through the small groups, with the help of students’ ability, personality to reach a common goal. Apart from this, according to Personality type in the foreign or second language classroom:theoretical and empirical perspectives, Oxford (1997:33) think carefully about the relationship between personality and foreign language. Liu Fengge, Sun Lina (2005:15) put forward that nonintellectual factors such as motivation, emotion and personality will directly affect English Learning so that teachers should think highly of nonintellectual factors. Yin Yan (2006:6) holds that personality differences have great influence on Language Learning and we can take the MBTI(Myers Briggs Indicator ) to evaluate and based on this, our language can be innovated. According to A study on the Interaction between Personality and English Cooperative Learning, You Yan(2006:15)proposes that only if the teacher cares for the inpidual personality can Cooperative Learning improve students’ performance and promote their good personality. Besides, in the article of Wang Jialing (2007:31), he is aimed at finding out the relationship between personality differences and English Learning, which shows that it has great influence on students’ listening and reading. It reveals that extroverted students are good at listening while introverted students are expert in reading. What’s more, the author Peng Jingfei (2007:13) also considers the personality differences, probes into the deeper relationship between English Learning and personalities in order to improve the efficiency of English Learning. As we know, there goes a saying that “by nature, near together; by practice far apart.” According to this, Yao Ying (2009:31) considers how to organize quality-oriented education to those who are introverted and the best way is to help them increase their confidence. In the paper of JiaoYu Li Lun Yan Jiu, Qi Ying and Wu Chunlei (2011:11) do a research on oral English study under personality differences, which analyzes the conclusion and proposes some strategies to solve the problem. They believe that teachers should arouse the enthusiasm of students so that they can learn English well. In the paper A study on Cooperative Learning in Middle School class, Qin Xigen (2012:14) makes a research on students in middle school when having a cooperative learning, he compares the performance of boys and girls to draw a conclusion that useful strategies should be taken to improve the efficiency of Cooperative Learning. As for Jiang Pinwang (2014:34), he studies the efficiency of improving the Cooperative Learning class, to pide groups, explicit tasks, standardize the flow, cultivate cooperated skills and select the link.文献综述

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