
    The Influence of Products’ Trademark Translation on Marketing from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication
    Acknowledgments   I would like to thank the following persons for their kind help and support during the whole process of studying and writing the thesis.
    First of all, I would like to express my great appreciation for Professor Su Zhihui, my thesis advisor for her patient guidance and constant encouragement. She has talked with me several times face to face or via email during the whole thesis-writing process, discussing my creative studying idea and giving advices on my thesis revision. Without her help, this thesis could not have reached its present form.
        Second, I would like to thank all the other tutors and teachers in the study of American Dream, the Great Gatsby, as well as Two Broke Girls for their direct and indirect help.
        Third, special thanks for my friends who have sincere kindness to spend time and efforts on commenting on the first draft. Finally, I want to thank my parents for their consistent support and encouragement for my studies.
        Responsibility for any remaining errors is mine alone.    
     摘  要
        此外,市场营销学对商品商标翻译具有指导作用。所以, 本论文的第二部分将介绍市场营销学一些基本理论以及商标翻译和营销的关系。
    同时, 考虑到在国际文化的交流中,为了避免因文化冲击或文化差异所引发的误解。因此,跨文化交际的概念以及一些必要的知识也会在本篇论文中进行解释。
    Trademark, as a unique identification and symbol of a product or service, is a fundamental promotion tactic in the world economy. A precise and efficient translation of trademark not only conveys the information of the products, but also attracts the attention of customers, facilitating the purchase process.

    When carrying out the trademark translation, one has to refer to legions of theories and principles. In this article, the trademark, basic translation theories, principles and strategies will be first introduced.

    Marketing knowledge is also critical in the translation. Therefore, the article will elucidate several rudimentary theories and the relationship between trademark translation and marketing in the second part.

    The paper will also present numerous intercultural communication concepts and science to avoid cultural shocks and misunderstandings.

    Finally, this paper will elaborate the application of translation theories, strategies, elementary marketing knowledge and intercultural communication with analyzing a number of trademark translation comparisons and cases.

    Key words: the translation of trademark, principles of translation, marketing of trademark, intercultural communication. 


    摘  要 I
    Abstract II
    1. Introduction 1
    1.1 A brief introduction to products’ trademark 1
    1.2 A brief introduction to principles of trademark translation 2
    1.3 A brief introduction to methods and strategies of trademark translation 4

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