
    The cases stated above are useful references that brought fruitful achievements and positive influences for the enterprises, which can be studied in the trademark translation. All of them concern the principles, skills and strategies of trademark translation extensively. In addition, those companies also adapted the intercultural communication knowledge into account to handle different customers’ psychological needs.
    4.2 The analysis of the influence of products' trademark translation
    Several theories and knowledge concerning translation, marketing and cross-cultural communication have been discussed. It is obvious that the translation of trademark has a substantial impact on products even enterprises. The overall influences of trademark translation are in three main fields: the company, the product line and the culture exchange.

    International business transactions boost the national economy and the maturity of the enterprises. It is prominent that the companies pay increasing attention to the trademark property right and the trademark translation, since a trademark is a representative and speaker for the firm of high value. Trademark translation is also a precious asset and an incomparable advantage of the organization, implying the tastes and styles which play an immeasurable role in business running.

    Products’ sales are the direct profit sources of a corporation whilst products’ trademark and trademark conversions are decisive factors affecting the dealing. An interpreted trademark is equally important as the original one in target market, presenting the basic information and image to the customers through a straight symbol language. An understandable and satisfactory rendered trademark guides buyers’ purchase behavior and options, building up the loyalty and dependence upon products.

    The rendition of trademark is a process of culture exchange and adaptation and a part of intercultural communication. It spreads a business art and culture, experiencing a different expression and other kinds of buying habits. For the sake of information transmission and betterment of sales, the translation of products’ trademark requires the knowledge of cross-cultural communication and international business etiquette.

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