    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title Mining Social Tagging System — Automatically Generation of Chinese blogs’ Tag and Tag Cloud         
    Currently, Social tagging system analysis or mining has gradually become an important foundation for Web 2.0 applications and services. As one of the hot applications, user tag or machine automatically generated tag for the blog system are widely used. Currently a lack of user tag data mining system for large-scale Chinese blog work.
    Based on the data for Science blog more than 60,000 articles, we design and develop a system of the automatic generation of a Chinese blog tags and tag cloud, the principal tasks include the following three aspects.
    The first is automatic tag and tag cloud generation for a single blog text, namely: the use of automatic extraction technology of the single-document keywords, automatically recommend a list of tags and tag cloud for a single blog entries and the right to generate a tag-weight graph.
    The following is generation of bloggers’ personalized tags, which compiles statistics of blogger’s user tags for each article and automatically recommends the 10 tags and show as a tag cloud for each blogger.
    Finally, it is the generation of time trend analysis of popular tags map, which gets the statistics of the most frequent top 50 tags marked by all users and analyze the reasons for the changes.
    The experimental results show that compared with the feature of tag automatically recommendation offered by the Web of Science blog, our system can function better. The tags of the bloggers given by the system reflect the bloggers’ research fields and interests. Using the time charts of user tag of scientific net blog, we can find and track hot events and analyze the reasons for the changes.
    In conclusion, the present work is summarized and given the research objectives of the system to further improve.

    Keywords: Social tagging system,Chinese blog,tag generation automatically,
    tag cloud
    目    录
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    1.3    本文的研究思路及内容    2
    1.3.1本文的研究思路    2
    2    文献综述    4
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