Racing Games
Abstract: This topic mainly depend on the game engine script and the particle system to achieve a variety of functions and elements of the racing game, the topic proposed to design and implement a first-person racing game, making and race cars and finish the game scene through the appropriate game engine motion, control the role of the game. By analyzing the subject of basic content requirements of the racing game, analysis of the game engine and game control method of functional analysis, found the method of game scene and vehicle modeling and control method of vehicle running through the script code to achieve through the game engine and modeling software. In the selection and application of game engine, select the current more popular Unity3D engine as the driving engine of the game. By integrating all the resources required, written run scripts and determine the game's development process and the realization method, successfully achieved the requirements and functions of the subject.
Keywords: The game engine; racing game; unity3D; 3dsmax; real-time rendering;4353
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 ii
1 绪论 1
1.1 赛车游戏的发展 1
1.2 与课题相关的国内外研究综述 2
1.3 游戏引擎的概念 3
1.3.1 游戏引擎概述 3
1.3.2 选用的游戏引擎 3
2 分析 4
2.1 游戏制作所需软件 4
2.1.1 3Ds Max 4
2.1.2 Photoshop 4
2.1.3 Unity3D 4
2.1.4 CrazyBump 5
2.1.5 MonoDevelop 5
2.2 游戏制作的步骤 5
2.2.1 游戏模型的设计及制作 5
2.2.2 游戏脚本的设计及编写 6
2.2.3 游戏引擎的使用及调用 7
2.3 游戏制作工作量 7
2.4 游戏的难点及特色说明 8
3 设计 9
3.1 游戏模型的设计 9
3.1.1 赛车模型的设计 9
3.1.2 赛道主体的设计与制作 11
3.1.3 游戏道具-储气罐的设计及制作 12
3.1.4 建筑物的设计及制作 13
3.1.5 游戏场景中植物的设计及制作 14
3.2 游戏脚本的设计 15
3.2.1 游戏控制中心脚本的设计 15
3.2.2 储气罐控制脚本的编写 17
3.2.3 玩家车辆控制脚本的设计 18
3.3 游戏场景的设计 20
3.3.1 游戏地形的设计 20
3.3.2 游戏植被系统的设计 23
3.3.3 游戏天空及光影的设计及制作 23
3.4 游戏跨平台的实现 24
4 结论 25
4.1 关于毕业设计课题的难点 25
4.2 关于毕业设计的不足 25
4.3 关于设计后续改进的设想 26
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