        目前我国大部分的自行火炮、坦克等都是手工装填弹药,只用一小部分火炮系统应用了半自动供推弹机构(即推弹机)。已知应用较为广泛的推弹机主要有液体气压式推弹机和链式推弹机。例如100 高炮应用的是液体气压式的推弹机,155 自行火炮采用的是链式推弹机。而这两者推弹机都有自身的缺点,液体气压式的推弹机重量太大,链式推弹机的推弹速度不能太快。气动弹射推弹机就能很好克服这些缺点,气动弹射推弹机的重量要比液体气压式的轻得多,而且气动弹射推弹机的推弹速度要比链式的快。
    摘要本论文以气动弹射推弹机的推弹能力为研究目标,对如何模拟新型结构的气动弹射推弹机的推弹过程开展探索性的研究。首先,根据自行火炮武器系统的特点要求,分析、讨论并设计一种任意角自动推弹的推弹机总体方案。其次,根据气动弹射推弹机的总体方案,对该推弹机进行结构设计。再次,建立气动弹射推弹机的动力学模型,编写 MATLAB计算程序,对气动弹射推弹机的推弹过程进行动力学仿真,分析相应的仿真计算结果。最后,对新型的气动弹射推弹机的关键零件进行设计和校核。19342
    关键词:火炮自动装填   气动弹射推弾机  动力学建模  MATLAB建模仿真
    Title  Design and analysis of a pneumatic catapult shells push machine  of the artillery                               
    The object of the study is new pneumatic catapult system, which can be used to pushing shells .The main work is the new the pneumatic push machine’s transmission simulation, get the new pneumatic catapult system’s pushing property for the next design. The technology of auto-loading is one of the effective  ways  to improve artillery shooting  speed.  The  technology  can  be  effective to  ensure that  large-caliber  artillery continued  firing  rate and will  be  beneficial  to  the  intensity  of  artillery  fire,  and  can significantly reduce the gunner’s labor intensity. Carry out the research of the self-propelled artillery  auto-loading  technology  is  very beneficial for the improving of China's l self-propelled artillery technical and the rapid development of China's artillery.
    By  now,  the  most  of  our  country’s  self-propelled artilleries  and  tanks  are  hand-loading.  More  widely  known  applications  is  liquid-pneumatic  push machine  and  chain push machine,  the  weight  of  the  liquid-pneumatic  push machine  is  too  heavy,  and  the  chain  push machine transmission velocity is slow. But, the pneumatic push machine can conquer those problem.
    The research objectives is new  pneumatic  push machine’s  tansmission  ability,  to carry  out exploratory research on how to simulate the new structure of the pneumatic push machine。First, according to the characteristics' requirements of self-propelled artillery, analyze and design a  pneumatic  push machine  overall  program  which  can  transmiss  bomb  with  arbitrary  angle,Secondly, carry on structural design according to the pneumatic push machine overall program。Thirdly,  establish  a  dynamic  model  of  the  pneumatic  push machine  and  program  MATLAB calculation procedure,carry on the dynamic simulation of pneumatic rammer and analyze the  simulation  results.  Finally, designing and checking the key part of the new pneumatic catapult shells push machine .
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