    摘要:通用敞车是我国铁路货物运输中的主型车辆,降低敞车自重、提高载重有利于提升运输效率、降低运输成本。在保证车体结构静强度、疲劳强度满足设计要求的同时,实现轻量化是车辆结构研究的方向。论文以载重 80t通用敞车车体为研究对象,对车体进行了结构设计,按照 TB/T1335-1996《铁道车辆强度设计及试验鉴定规范》,运用线性、非线性有限元静力分析技术完成了多种工况下的车体结构的静强度分析,找到车体结构中强度富余的部位,为优化设计提供依据。以车体重量最轻作为目标函数,同时考虑多个工况,在保证车体强度、刚度的前提下,实现车体的结构优化。  毕业论文关键词:重载运输; 敞车; 静强度; 优化设计; 疲劳强度 20498
     Design of general purpose gondola car steel structure 80t
     ABSTRACT:General-purpose gondola car plays an important part in railway goods
    transport,and to improve the carrying capacity and reduce the weight of gondola car is
    beneficial in raising transport efficiency and reducing  transport  costs.On  the 
    premise  of  meeting  the  design requirements of static strength and fatigue strength,
    to realize the light of railway cars is the derection of structure research.According to
    the strength requirements of TB/T1335一1996,utilized linear and nonlinear Finite
    Element Analysis technology to analyze the static strength of the 80 t general-purpose
    gondola carbody under various load cases,to find out the parts where the strength was
    surplus.The static strength analysis of gondola carbody provided a reasonable basis
    for the lightweight  design.the  parametric  model  of  gondola  carbody  was
    established by using the ANSYS Parametric Design Language.The analysis was
    accomplished with different design variables and expounded an optimized design
    scheme which with the thickness,geometrical size and relative position of the main
    member plate on the carbody as the design variables.With the lightest weight of
    gondola carbody as the objective function,considering several load cases,the gondola
    carbody was optimized under the strength and stiffness constraints.The stress spectra was derived by combining the static stresses under the fatigue load cases and load
    spectrum.The fatigue strength for the optimized carbody was verified with the method
    which was factual stress and the practical fatigue characteristic of a comparable
    component or part.The results showed that the static strength and fatigue strength of
    the 80t  general-purpose  gondola  carbody  could  meet  the  standard
    requirements.The weight of the optimized carbody was reduced 10.9% and the
    optimization effect was obvious.
    KEY WORDS:  heavy haul transportation;gondola;  static strength;  optimization
    design;fatigue strength 目录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1   选题意义及研究价值    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状和发展    2
    1.3   论文的主要研究内容    3
    第二章  敞车车体结构设计    5
    2.1  车体结构设计要求   5
    2.2  车体结构设计  .  5
    2.2.1  车体选材    5
    2.2.2  车体结构工艺    6
    2.2.3  车体主要结构的设计    8
    2.2.4  车体结构轻量化设计   11
    第三章  敞车车体结构静强度分析   13
    3.1  车体静强度分析模型的建立  . 13
    3.1.1  几何模型的建立   13
    3.1.2  有限元模型的建立  . 14
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