    关键词: 磁流变液阻尼器;悬臂梁;减振;PID控制;MATBAL仿真
    Semi Active Closed-loop Control System Based on Magnetorheological Fluid Damper
    Abstract: Magnetorheological dampers are continuously adjustable damping, wide dynamic range, fast response, low power consumption, it has become a very promising application of smart devices in vibration control. In the installation of a damping system of magneto rheological damper, by changing the size of the damper force (that means it is by changing the magnetorheological fluid damper input current), the system can achieve the damping control. Due to the dynamical characteristics of MR damper is very complex, with typical nonlinear characteristic, the description of its mechanics model and the control algorithm of energy dissipation is not perfect. Therefore the research of typical vibration control system and its method of magnetorheological damper are very meaningful. In this paper, using the method of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation, the first vibration mechanical model of cantilever beam is established, the mechanical models of magnetorheological damper, damping system dynamic characteristics and design of vibration control algorithm and realization are studied. Because of limited time and equipment, curriculum design failed to the make the experiment, this graduation design is simulated by MATLAB, and the simulation results are obtained. The results show that: the PID control can effectively through control of magnetorheological fluid damper input current to control vibration of the cantilever beam.
    Keywords: Magnetorheological fluid damper;Cantilever beam;Damping;PID control;MATBAL Simulation
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题开展的依据    1
          1.2 基于磁流变液阻尼器的减振装置国内外的发展概况    1
            1.2.1 国外研究及发展现状    1
            1.2.2 国内研究及发展现状    2
          1.3 完成本课题已具备的条件和存在的困难    2
    2 磁流变液阻尼器工作原理及内容    3
          2.1 磁流变液以及磁流变液阻尼器简介    3
             2.1.1 磁流变液和磁流变效应……..3
            2.1.2 磁流变液阻尼器……..3
    2.2 磁流变液阻尼器的力学模型    4
    2.2.1 静力学模型….4
            2.2.2 动力学模型….4
    2.3 磁流变液阻尼器减振控制技术    4
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