    关键词  膛内拍照机器人  单蜗杆三蜗轮机构  ADAMS建模与仿真  ATmega128控制系统
    Title  Scheme Design and Co-simulation of the Photoing Robot in Bore——The Design and Co-simulation of the robot control system                                      
    Photoing robot used to detect bore can improve the accuracy and objectivity of detection result, which is significant to repair bore. The development process of micro pipe inspection robot and the detection methods within bore are studied. Mechanical structure and working principle of self-designed photoing robot in bore is analyzed and the introduction of single worm shaft with three worm gears transmission mechanism and adjustable screw nut adjustment mechanism are highlighted. And a Multi-body dynamics model based on ADAMS/View software is built on. Kinematics accuracy analysis and dynamics simulation analysis provide some data basis for improving the design parameters of the preliminary model. The control circuitry based on ATmega128 microcontroller chip for the photoing robot in bore is designed. The electrical and mechanical systems co-simulation under MATLAB/Simulink and ADAMS/View software verify the reliability and stability of its function and provide a certain reference value for future studies of similar products.
    Keywords  Photo robot in bore  single worm shaft with three worm gears transmission mechanism  ADAMS modeling and simulation  ATmega128 Control Systems
    目 录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  本课题的研究意义    1
    1.2  膛内拍照机器人的发展概述    1
    1.3  膛内拍照机器人的结构与原理分析    2
    1.4  本课题的研究内容    6
    2  膛内拍照机器人的多体动力学建模与仿真分析    7
    2.1  膛内拍照机器人的多体动力学建模    7
    2.2  膛内拍照机器人运动精度仿真分析    12
    2.3  膛内拍照机器人动力学仿真分析    18
    2.4  本章小结    22
    3  膛内拍照机器人控制系统设计    23
    3.1  ATmega128核心控制模块设计    23
    3.2  矩阵键盘模块设计    24
    3.3  步进电机控制模块设计    25
    3.4  电源稳压模块设计    27
    3.5  压力传感器信号处理模块设计    28
    3.6  FYD12864显示模块设计    32
    3.7  本章小结    37
    4  膛内拍照机器人的联合仿真    38
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