    关键词  多功能子母弹  子弹引信  强度计算  性能计算  尺寸链计算
    Title   Systems Analysis and Design Calculations for a kind of     Submunition Fuze of Multifunction Cargo Projectile
    For a submunition fuze reliability and security in handling problems, there are still some shortcomings, conducted after improved the submunition fuze system analysis, performance calculation and strength check. Through the strength of the shell and fuze fuze body calculations, as well as the submunition within the system, such as a weak spring unit checked to make submunition fuze structural strength to meet the requirements. By sitting on the submunition Insurance fuze performance, safety performance centrifugal slider parts start condition, the role of anti-restore-off performance calculations correctness to ensure reliable insurance and the role of submunition fuze. In addition to self-destruct ignition device for calculating the performance of the submunition fuze usually assess safety, while the strike movement combination of acupuncture hair extension tubes for energy calculations. The results show that the improved strength of the submunition fuses meet the requirements, to ensure recoil insurance, such as the role of the centrifugal insurance and sliders reliable peacetime security, self-destruct good performance. The results show that the fuze arming reliable, angry reliable, trigger and self-destruction; meet the overall requirements of the  cargo projectile.
    keywords Multifunction Cargo Projectile     Submunition Fuze
              Intensity calculation     Performance calculation
              Dimensional chain calculation
    1  引言    1
    1.1  选题背景及意义    1
    1.2  子母弹发展现状    1
    1.3  本课题研究的主要内容    2
    2  引信系统分析    3
    2.1  结构组成    3
    2.2  作用原理    3
    2.3  性能综述    4
    3  设计计算及校核    5
    3.1  弹丸及引信主要结构诸元    5
    3.2  过载系数计算    5
    3.3  强度计算    6
    4  弹簧设计计算    7
    4.1  离心子簧    7
    4.2  惯性簧    9
    4.3  滑块簧    11
    4.4  反恢复簧    13
    5  性能计算    16
    5.1  后坐保险性能计算    16
    5.2  弹簧离心子离心保险性能计算    17
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