    毕业论文关键词: 喷胶机;喷嘴;机械结构;强度设计与校核;喷胶系统
    Automatic glue machine design
    Abstract:The spraying machine is a new automation equipment in modern industry, it can spray on different sizes and different shapes of products. The performance of the melter are spraying shape adjustable, adjustable size, amount of glue for adhesive contamination adjustable, can be used for different adhesive glue spray,spray room is easy to clean and other requirements.Mostly used in leather goods, handbags, luggage, toys, packaging and other industries. Manual gluing labor rate is low, labor intensive, coating quality is not stable,quality manual gluing depends largely on the operator's skill, for the requirements of mass production, the manual is very difficult to guarantee the consistency of product quality, automatic gluing machine can ensure the glue evenly, no pollution, no damage, save manpower, to improve the efficiency of spraying machine, increasing economic efficiency of this design includes pipeline system, spray system, clamp system, a mechanical transmission system, and control system.
    Key Word:Mist type spraying machine;Nozzle;The mechanical transmission structure;Design and check the strength;spray system
    1 绪论    1
    1.2课题来源及意义    1
    1.3国内外研究现状    2
    1.4课题发展趋势    4
    2自动上胶机总体结构方案    5
    2.1设计任务    5
    2.2拟定上胶方案    5
    2.2.1管路系统    6
    2.2.2上胶系统    7
    2.2.3装夹系统    7
    2.2.4传动系统    8
    2.3工艺流程    8
    3自动上胶机机械设计    10
    3.1上胶系统设计    10
    3.1.1喷嘴选择    10
    3.1.2加热腔设计    13
    3.2管路系统设计    18
    3.2.1供胶管路系统设计    18
    3.2.2供水管路系统设计    21
    3.3装夹系统设计    21
    3.4传动系统设计    22
    3.4.1链条链轮选择    22
    3.4.2链轮轴设计    28
    3.4.3电机选择    36
    3.5机架设计    37
    4控制系统简述    40
    4.1控制系统要求    40
    4.2控制系统的硬件    40
    4.3控制系统的软件及界面功能    41
    总结    42
    致谢    43
    参考文献    44
    1 绪论
    1.1 课题介绍
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