    摘要:我国铁路货运实现了跨越式的发展以来,铁路货运能力得到了明显的提高,但依旧无法满足逐渐增长的货物运输需求。因此,近年来我国在不断研制大载重的货车,而敞车就是其中之一。敞车是指具有侧壁、端壁和地板,并且它是没有车顶,且向上敞开的货车。它主要承担运送煤炭、矿石、建材物资(包括木材、钢材)等大宗货物用,也承担了运送重量不大的机械设备。敞车按卸货方式不同可分为两类:—类是适用于人工或机械装卸作业的通用敞车,另一类是适用于大型工矿企业、站场、码头之间成列固定编组运输,用翻车机卸货的敞车,及专用敞车[1]通用敞车是铁路货物运输中的主型车辆,论文以80t级通用敞车转向架一系悬挂系统研究对象,对转向架一系悬挂系统进行了结构设计,为优化设计提供依据。如今世界各国发展重载运输的必然之选是大轴重转向架,所以80t级通用敞车转向架采用25t(K5型)轴重转向架,该转向架最高商业运行速度为120km/h,满足设计要求。 本文主要讲述了国内外的重载货车的发展现状以及其转向架的使用情况,分析了国内外现有的重载货车转向架一系悬挂系统的结构性能及结构特点,初步确定了符合我国国情及铁路现状的载重为80t的25t轴重货车转向架(K5型)一系悬挂系统的结构型式,利用转向架的动力学知识,建立转向架的动力学模型,并对其参数进行优化设计。 24578
    毕业论文关键词: 通用敞车;25t轴重;转向架;一系悬挂系统 
    A suspension system structural design of the bogie of 80t general purpose gondola
    Abstract:  China's  railway freight  development  by leaps  and  bounds  since  the rail freight
    capacity has been significantly improved, but still can’t meet the increasingly growing demand
    for cargo  transport. Therefore, the  continuous  development  of China  in  recent  years  in  large
    truck of trucks, and gondola is one of them. The gondola’s mean is having side walls, end walls
    and the floor and without roof, upwardly open wagons. It is mainly responsible for transporting
    coal, ore, building materials (including wood, steel) and other bulk cargo use, but also bear the
    weight of the shipment is not mechanical equipment. Gondola by way of discharge can  be
    pided into two categories: one kind is Suitable for manual or mechanical handling operations
    generic gondola;  The other is applied to a fixed grouping column transport between major industrial and miming enterprises, station and dock with a dumper unloading gondola, and
    special gondolaUniversal gondola is the main railway cargo transportation vehicles, papers to 80t class A
    common gondola bogie suspension system for the study, a series of bogie suspension system
    structures were designed to provide the basis for the optimum design. Now the inevitable
    development of selected countries in the world is the big heavy transport axle load, so common
    gondola 80t class bogie using 25t (K5 type) axle load, the highest commercial operation speed
    bogie 120km / h, to meet the design requirements .  
    This paper focuses on the development status of  heavy-duty trucks as well as its truck
    usage, analyze the existing heavy-duty trucks at home and abroad  - axle structural properties
    and structural characteristics of the system, initially identified in line with China's national
    conditions and the status of railroad freight car bogies load of 25t axle load of 80t (K5 type) of
    a suspension system for structural type, the use of kinetic knowledge bogie, bogie dynamic
    model and its parameters to optimize the design. 
    Key words: General purpose gondola;25t axle;bogie;A suspension system
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