    摘要鼓虾生活在热带海洋的浅水区域,身长约5cm,其夹螯可达2.5cm。当鼓虾捕食猎物时,会快速合拢夹螯,产生一道时速约100km/h的高速射流,将猎物击昏甚至杀死,其过程中会发出响亮的劈啪声。研究表明,劈啪声并非夹鳌合拢时的机械接触发出,发声的本质是因高速射流引起的空化泡溃灭。鼓虾通过快速闭合夹螯,挤压原本存在于夹螯囊腔中的液体(水),产生高速射流。本文首先在Michel Versluis[2]等学者的实验基础上,结合空化发生的机理,分析鼓虾合拢夹螯产生高速射流这一动态过程,并依据有关的试验数据,设计一套仿生装置,利用重锤敲击作为装置动力源,产生高速射流。之后,通过对装置进行基本的动力学分析和假设,得出装置的尺寸参数。在本文的最后,利用 FLUENT分析软件,对装置喷嘴的简化模型进行了瞬态的仿真分析,获得了不同时刻点的流场状态,其仿真出口流速与鼓虾实际射流速度相符。25728
    关键字 鼓虾 夹螯 高速射流 仿生
    Title  Dynamic Analysis and Simulation Design of The Snapping Shrimp Closuring
    The snapping shrimp lives in shallow waters of tropical oceans,which has a length about 5.5cm,and its claw could reach to 2.5cm.The shrimp closures the claw rapidly,when  it is used to defend a shelter or territory and to stun and even kill prey animals.This reasults in a high-velocity water jet,speed of 100 Kilometer.The loud snap has attributed to the mechanical contact made when the dactyl and the propus hit each other as the claw closes.Here,we show that the sound originates solety from the collapse of a cavitation bubble taht is generated by the fast water jet resulting from the rapid claw closure.The claw has a protruding plunger on the dactly and a matching socket in the propus.A high-velocity water jet is formed when the dactyl plunger is driven into the propus socket,displacing water. This article based on an experiment of Michel Versluis[2],analysed the extremely rapid closure of its larger snapper claw, and attempted to design a bionic device, by analysing the structural features of the snapp shrimp. By means of basic kinetic analysis and assumptions, we get the parameters of the device.Finally, based on a simplified model system of nozzles, obtained the status of the flow field at different time points,with the FLUENT. The simulation results consistent with the actual value.
    Keywords  Snapping-Shrimp  Claw  High-velocity water-jet Simulate
    1 绪论    3
    1.1 研究背景及意义    3
    1.2 国内外研究现状    4
    1.3 本文研究的主要内容    7
    2  鼓虾射流空化形成机理分析    9
    2.1 夹螯敲击射流分析    9
    2.2 空化泡形成机理    9
    2.3 空泡溃灭能量分析    10
    3 仿生装置结构设计    13
    3.1 鼓虾敲击射流实验结论    13
    3.2 设计要求    14
    3.3 仿生装置原理和动力学分析    14
    3.4 仿生装置尺寸参数    16
    4 仿生装置流体力学仿真分析    22
    4.1 计算流体力学简介    22
    4.2 仿生装置流体仿真过程    23
    4.3 FLUENT参数设置    25
    4.4 结果分析    27
    4.5 仿真模型的局限    28
    结论    29
    致谢    30
    参考文献    31
    1 绪论
    1.1 研究背景及意义
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