    The design of pin clamping device of automobile seat
    Abstract: In the field of production automation, automated fixtures in recent decades to develop. Automation fixture is branched out from the industrial robot. Automation fixture features are expected to accomplish the various tasks of the job programmed, the merits of both humans and machines in construction and performance, especially high efficiency and adaptability embodies automation equipment. Automated fixture by the implementing agencies, the drive - drive mechanism, control systems, intelligent systems, remote diagnostic monitoring system of five parts. Drive - drive mechanism and implementing agencies are complementary, in the drive system can be pided into: mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and hybrid, in which the maximum operating force hydraulic, pneumatic lowest cost.
    This topic is a car seat pin clamping device clamping the workpiece and parts and automatic operation of the device for its freedom of motion and more, and there are strict requirements for the operation sequence, operation can be achieved with a pneumatic drive automatic cycle, conducive to automation and high-efficiency requirements.
    Keywords: pneumatic; fixtures; automatic; design
    目 录
    1 设计背景    1
    1.1 夹具的概述    1
    1.2 国内外夹具的发展现状    1
    1.2.1 国内夹具行业的现状    1
    1.2.2 国外夹具行业的现状    1
    1.3 夹具的发展趋势    2
    1.4 机床夹具在机械加工中的作用    3
    1.5 夹具设计的特点和基本要求    4
    1.5.1 夹具设计的特点    4
    1.5.2 设计的基本要求    4
    1.6 设计任务的提出    5
    1.6.1 课题的任务内容    5
    1.6.2 原始条件及数据    5
    1.6.3 设计的技术要求    5
    2 汽车座椅销轴夹紧装置设计流程    6
    3 汽车座椅销轴夹紧装置运动方案设计    9
    3.1 原动机选择    9
    3.2 机构组成原理及其简图绘制    9
    3.3 机构自由度验算    11
    3.3.1 机构具有确定运动的条件    11
    3.3.2 自由度计算    11
    4 驱动系统设计    13
    4.1 气缸设计选型的初始参数    13
    4.2 气缸设计的步骤    13
    4.3 气缸类型选择    13
    4.4 缸径的选择与核算    14
    4.5 气缸的作用力评估    14
    4.6 活塞杆直径确定    15
    4.7 气压缸活塞行程S的确定    15
    4.8 连接与密封    16
    4.9 气缸的三文建模    16
    5 齿轮传动系统计算与设计    18
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