    Design on measurement and control System of test-bed for the power set legs and vams of hydraulic support
    【Abstract】This paper describes the problem and its main source of significance by discussing development of hydraulic support column and jack test stand. The test stand has emerged analyzed to find weaknesses in the existing test stand. By analyzing hydraulic test stand upright and jack hydraulic principle, I analysis and design ideas for test system for preliminary.
    First,  the principle of hydraulic control and test loop is designed based on test standards and column and jack .And determine the control solenoid valves and various types of sensors needed, and gives the overall design and control system hardware and software architecture and detailed design .
    Second, the hardware design includes the required test bed electrical components and the design of the electrical circuit.  to complete a pilot project based on the design of the monitoring, I designed all aspects of the software.  use computer control technology to complete the computer interface circuit design, including electrical schematics, signal conversion and solenoid driver circuit. A hydraulic support column and jack lifting movement implementation of components, in order to improve its stability, reliability, put forward the corresponding endurance test technology.
    In the end, VB6.0 software to design computer control programming interfaces work through the various pilot projects and data processing, generate reports and store test data in this paper.
    【Keywords】: the power set legs and vams of hydraulic support ;test-bed;Measurement and Control System ;Program
    大学机电工程学院毕业设计(论文)任务书    I
    摘要    II
    Abstract    III
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景、目的及意义    1
    1.2 计算机测控系统的研究与发展现状    2
    1.2.1 概述    2
    1.2.2 计算机测控系统的发展现状    2
    1.3 计算机测控系统在立柱与千斤顶试验台上的应用    3
    1.3.1 采用计算机测控系统的必要性    3
    1.3.2 国内外液压立柱与千斤顶试验台测控系统的发展现状    3
    1.4 本文的主要研究内容    3
    第二章 试验台测控系统的总体设计    5
    2.1 概述    5
    2.2 试验参数    5
    2.3 试验台液压系统    6
    2.4 试验项目与试验方法    7
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