    关键词    汽车悬架 ADAMS 多体动力学  平行跳动 运动学仿真
    Title  Kinematic simulation of a type of off-road vehicle   Suspension system                                 
    Automotive systems in force transfer device name for automobile suspension system, the suspension system general between the vehicle frame and the vehicle bridge usually contains a shock absorber, a spring, a thrust rod and the horizontal stabilizer bar and so on. The main function of suspension is to absorb the impact of the car in the course of the road, to improve the car ride comfort purposes. The performance of the suspension will directly affect the driving ability and the stability effect.
    In this paper, the suspension system of a cross country vehicle is studied as the object of the research, and based on the multi-body dynamics theory, the kinematics simulation of the suspension system is carried out by using multi-body dynamics software ADAMS.. Simulation using the left and right wheels parallel beating method, the results of the analysis mainly from the suspension system of the toe angle, camber angle, kingpin inclination angle, kingpin inclination, the heart chakra lateral and longitudinal displacement parameter curve analysis of the suspension performance.
    Keywords  automotive suspension,ADAMS,Multi-body dynamics,Parallel beat,
              Kinematic simulation
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  课题的目的和意义    3
    2  ADAMS软件简介和悬架建模    4
    2.1  ADAMS软件介绍    4
    2.2  建立整车三文模型    7
    3  悬架系统的性能评价指标和运动学仿真法    11
    3.1  悬架系统的性能评价指标    11
    3.2  悬架系统运动学特性的仿真法    12
    4  悬架系统建模与仿真    13
    4.1  悬架系统模型创建    13
    4.2  悬架系统的运动学仿真    16
    结  论    22
    致  谢    23
    1  引言
    1.1  研究背景
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