    摘要当今社会数字化信息发展迅速,在电视,电影以及运动赛事转播上对拍摄的要求将会越来越高。因此运行平稳,使用方便的自动摄像机器人也应运而生。现有实际项目“影视演播用自动机器人”,其中的关键部件是一个要求具有两倍于自身高度的大行程电动推杆。在推杆的第一级与第二级过渡时,由于驱动机构预紧力、阻力、工作载荷的不同,会产生相应的振动。而在拍摄过程中对振动的要求很高,这就要求针对现有设计进行抑振优化。 本课题确定抑振将从三个方面入手,首先是机械结构的优化,在丝杠升降的过程中,由于运动状态的变化,构件之间的相对运动容易引起额外的振动,因此可以对支撑结构进行优化,提高系统刚性;其次是对系统进行简单的建模。主要根据零件的受力情况,借助动力学仿真软件进行动力学分析,依据仿真结果优化驱动机构的预紧力和弹簧钢性,达到平缓过渡的要求;最后概括介绍电机的控制过程,对电机控制进行简单优化,优化加减速曲线,减少加减速振动。 后续研究需要完成的工作还有进行试验以考虑丝杠运动的实际因素、电机曲线的进一步优化、优化零件的加工和组装、系统调试等。   30253
    毕业论文关键词  摄像机器人  抑振优化  机构预紧力  弹簧钢性
    Title  Kinematics simulation and structural optimization against  the electrical lever with double screws and long strooke  
    Abstract Nowadays , with  the rapid development of  social  digital information, the requirements of televisions, movies and sports broadcast’s shooting will be higher and higher. So the automatic camera robots with stability and convenience start to appear. There exists an actual project called "automatic robot for Film and Telecast". the critical  component  of the robot is an  electric  lever with long stroke and double height. During the transition between first and second stage of lever, the difference between preload, resistance and  working  load of the drive mechanism will lead to corresponding vibration.  The optimization of anti-vibration against current design  is needed due to the strict demand upon vibration during the period of shooting. This treatise will research the anti-Vibration from three aspects. First, the optimization of mechanical structure.  During the  screw’s elevation,  the  relative motion between the components  is  likely to cause additional vibrations  due to the changes of the motion status. Thus, the optimization of supporting structure can improve  the  system’s  rigidity.  Second, construct the  simple model of the system. We can conduct the kinematics analysis via the simulation software mainly based on the load conditions of the components and optimize the drive mechanism’s preload      and the spring’s rigidity via the results of simulation to achieve the demands of smooth transition.Finally,  summarize the process of motor control, optimize the  motor control  and the curve of  acceleration  and  deceleration, reduce the vibration of acceleration and deceleration. The following studies are as follows: conduct the experiment to take the actual facts of the screw’s motion into consideration, further optimization of motor curve, optimize the production and assemble of the components and system debugging  
    Keywords    Optimization of the Anti-vibration   filming robot              mechanism’s rigidity   spring rigidity
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