
    Title      Design of  a certain type of dual mass flywheel                 
    Pneumatic manipulator is a automated devices that can mimic the human hand and arm movements to do something,aslo can according to a fixed procedure to moving objects or control tools. It can replace the heavy labor in order to achieve the production mechanization and automation, and can work in dangerous working environments to protect the personal safety, Therefore widely used in machine building, metallurgy, electronics, light industry and atomic energy sectors.
    This article is mainly of the pneumatic manipulator the overall design, and pneumatic design. This mechanism of manipulator includes cylinders and claws and connectors parts, it can move according to the due track on the movement of grabbing, carrying and unloading. The pneumatic part of the design is primarily to choose the right valves and design a reasonable pneumatic control loop, by controlling and regulating pressure, flow and direction of the compressed air to make it get the necessary strength, speed and changed the direction of movement in the prescribed procedure work.
    Key word: pneumatic manipulator;cylinder;pneumatic loop;Four degrees of freedom.
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1  课题的来源与研究的目的和意义    1
    1.2 双质量飞轮的发展现状    2
    1.3双质量飞轮的类型    4
    1.4双质量飞轮的结构组成    5
    1.5 双质量飞轮的工作原理    7
    1.6 双质量飞轮式扭震减速器的优缺点    7
    1.7 本文的主要研究内容    8
    2 双质量飞轮基本参数的确定    9
    2.1 转动惯量对系统的影响及转动惯量的确定    9
    2.2 弹簧刚度对系统性能的影响及扭转刚度的确定    10
    2.3 阻尼对系统性能的影响及阻尼的确定    12
    3 双质量飞轮的结构设计    14
    3.1 双质量飞轮总体方案的确定    14
    3.2双质量飞轮设计中各主要元件的确定    15
    3.2.1 确定传动元件    15
    3.2.2 确定阻尼元件    15
    3.3 双质量飞轮的主要零件设计    16
    3.3.1 双质量飞轮的弧形螺旋弹簧的设计和计算    16
    3.3.2 双质量飞轮中传力板尺寸的设计计算    18
    4 双质量飞轮中主要零部件强度的校核    20
    4.1铆钉强度的校核与计算    20
    4.2螺栓强度的校核与计算    21
    4.3弹簧强度的校核计算    23
    4.3.1弹簧稳定性的校核    23
    4.3.2弹簧强度校核    24
    结 论    25
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