    5 tons loaders power match system design
    abstract ZL50 loader power match system design to solve power plant power output characteristics, and the contradictions between work, walking device power demand, the implementation and engine work together, to ensure the use of loader in different under the condition of normal driving and assignments, and has good power performance and fuel economy. To have the following features:
      (1) to automatically adjust the output torque and rotational speed;
      (2) to realize the automatic transition to the high speed light load of low speed and heavy loading.
      (3) torque than the big, efficient wide area;
      (4) the starting and shifting smooth joint, realize stepless speed, reduce the operator labor intensity, improve the comfortableness.
      Main tasks are:
      (1) the output power of diesel engine with a small torque, high rotation speed and torque, low speed range, etc, with the loader at job or need high torque, low speed and large range of torque and rotational speed changes between the contradictions. To this end, the transmission system will be the power of diesel engine according to the need to decrease the speed and increase torque to meet the needs of the loader operation or driving;
      (2) the integrated use of past learned theory knowledge, improve the theory with practice and comprehensive analysis ability, train the ability of mechanical and hydraulic integrated design;
      (3) to improve access to design data, standards and specifications and other basic skills and design capability, and complete the graduation design paper, computing instruction, etc.
    Key words: loader; Power performance. Diesel engine; Torque...
    1绪论    1
    1.1 课题介绍    1
    1.2 选题背景    1
    1.3 课题研究的意义    1
    1.4 国外的发展情况[20]    1
    1.5 国内的发展情况    2
    1.6 国内外对比[20]    2
    2 ZL50装载机动力匹配系统设计方案    4
    2.1 动力匹配系统的选择方案    4
    2.1.1 液力传动运用在装载机上的优点[4]    4
    2.1.2 液力传动运用在装载机上的缺点[4]    5
    2.2液力变矩器选择方案    5
    2.2.1 液力变矩器的工作原理    5
    2.2.2 液力交矩器的特性参数    9
    2.2.3 液力变矩器的种类    10
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