
    摘要某自行火炮的自动供弹机为链式传动机构,工作时电机驱动链轮,带动链条(贮弹筒) 运动。本文着眼于全系统,运用第1类拉格朗日方法,建立某自行火炮链式自动供弹机构的三维实体模型和多刚体动力学模型。模型考虑机构间的碰撞,动力参数中计及电机过渡过程的影响。借助于动力学分析软件ADAMS进行动力学仿真并求解动力学方程,获得该机构在供弹动作过程中的动态响应和该机构的运动规律和振动形态,最后使用ADAMS和MATLAB/Simulink联合仿真,对结果进行分析计算。63252

    毕业论文关键词  自动供弹机  ADAMS  MATLAB/Simulink  联合仿真


    Title Dynamic analysis and control for automatic ammunition supplying machine of an artillery


    The chain transmission mechanism is used for the automatic ammunition supplying machine of a self-propelled artillery, the chain (storage cartridge) is driven by the sprocket which is driven by the motor when the automatic ammunition supplying machine works. The three-dimensional solid model and multi-body dynamics model are established in this thesis for the automatic ammunition supplying machine of a self-propelled artillery based on the Lagrange equations of the first kind. The collision of the mechanism and influence of the transition process of the motor on the dynamic parameters are considered in the model. The ADAMS software is used to simulate and solve the dynamic equations of the automatic ammunition supplying machine, and the dynamic response of the mechanism as well as the motion law and the vibration shape in the course of ammunition feeding action are obtained. And finally, analysis and calculation of the results are conducted by using ADAMS and MATLAB/Simulink co-simulation.

    Keywords  Automatic Ammunition Supplying Machine  ADAMS  MATLAB/Simulink  Co-simulation

    目   录 I

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.3 本文的主要工作 2

    2 供弹机模型三维实体建模 3

    2.1 三维建模软件SolidWorks介绍 3

    2.2 供弹机各零件三维实体建模 4

    2.3 供弹机零件实体模型装配 5

    2.4 供单机整体装配模型的导入 8

    3 供弹机动力学建模与仿真分析 8

    3.1 多体系统动力学理论 8

    3.2 ADAMS软件介绍 9

    3.3 供弹机系统的建模与仿真分析 10

    4 ADAMS与MATLAB/Simulink联合仿真 20

    4.1 ADAMS/Controls模块 20

    4.2 MATLAB/Simulink工具箱 21


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