    关键词  系统结构  ATmega2560单片机  控制系统设计  软件设计  
    Title    Portable observation and manipulation of the    instrument                                                
    Abstract In In recent years, the observing system plays an important role in the field of anti-terrorist riot, fishing, field exploration, construction and mapping.Distance measurement and control system does not have the characteristics of portability and long-distance ranging.Therefore designed a small portable concept aiming and manipulation of the instrument, accurate measurement of target distance in the range of 3000m, aware devices pose, to obtain the target image and video information.The paper focuses on the hardware architecture of the system, component selection, system control circuit, system software design,and experimental data processing.ATmega2560-16AU microcontroller as the core, through the mutual cooperation between the range finder, compass, CCD, LCD, buzzer to complete the above work.The results showed that,system performance well,it have high sensitivity, high accuracy, low power consumption, easy to carry, easy to operate, etc. advantages.
    Keywords  System structure  ATmega2560 microcontroller  Control system designing  Software designing
      目   录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题的研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外发展现状    1
    1.3  课题主要内容    2
    2  系统总体方案设计    3
    2.1  系统总体结构    3
    2.2  系统各部分功能介绍    3
    2.3  器件选型    4
    2.3  方案要点分析    10
    3  控制系统设计    12
    3.1  单片机基本电路    12
    3.2  启停控制电路    14
    3.3  蜂鸣器控制电路    15
    3.4  字符叠加模块    16
    3.5  通讯接口电路    17
    3.6  电量检测电路设计    21
    4  系统软件设计    22
    4.1  单片机程序主要内容    22
    4.2  主程序设计    22
    4.3  A/D转换子程序    22
    4.4  串口通讯子程序    23
    4.5  LS2060-NJ测距仪通信协议    25
    4.6  TCM3罗盘通信协议    25
    4.7  装定器通信协议    26
    5 试验    27
    5.1  距离测量:    27
    5.2  航向角、俯仰角测试:    28
    结  论    29
    致  谢    30
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