    The crystallizer is the key part of continuous casting and rolling equipment, and vibration devices is an indispensable part of the mold. Based on different theories, mold oscillation technology has undergone complex process. In the early days, the way to achieve sinusoidal vibration is mainly by cams. Because it can’t be regulated online, it failed to achieve the optimization of vibration waveform. As a result of the eccentric mechanism, mechanical movements become easier, therefore, mold sinusoidal vibration slowly began to grow. After its vibration parameters continually optimized, ultimately the high-frequency vibration achieved, which can be used to improve the surface quality of the slab.
    This paper uses an eccentric axis as the excitation source, and use lever mechanism to transmit vibration to the crystallizer. The basic principle of the lever mechanism was used to achieve the amplitude adjustment Promise mention, by adjusting the fulcrum. A screw nut mechanism is used to implement the fulcrum position adjustment. Since the screw nut mechanism has self-locking feature, we can easily adjust and lock the current Promise continuous amplitude, when the device still work. To achieve the purpose that eccentric drive mechanism has the shortest route, we do not use any deceleration devices. Therefore, we need a flexible coupling to isolate shock load and protect the motor.
    Keywords: Crystallizer, Promise amplitude change, the technology of crystallization shock, vibration device;
    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    目录    III
    第一章  结晶器振动技术    1
    1.1 结晶器振动技术发展的历史    1
    1.2 连铸机结晶器振动简介    2
    1.3 结晶器振动规律的演变    2
    1.4 结晶器振动和润滑的关系    5
    1.4.1 结晶器振动与保护渣的关系    5
    1.4.2 结晶器的润滑机理    7
    1.4.3 结晶器中摩擦力的分布    8
    第二章  震动装置方案论证    9
    2.1 本课题研究的目的    9
    2.2 课题研究内容    9
    2.3 课题方案的选择    9
    2.3.1 振动机构简介    9
    2.3.2 振动机构的选择    13
    第三章  震动装置的设计    14
    3.1 电机计算    14
    3.2 联轴器选型    15
    3.3 偏心轴设计    16
    3.4 连杆的设计    17
    3.5 主梁的设计    18
    3.6 主梁支点轴的设计    19
    第四章  震动装置的详细设计与校核    20
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