    ABSTRACT :Based on the research status and development trend of car seat,the positioning of the seat back angle, adjustment in length of the seat cushion and leg rest was designed. The positioning of the seat back angle was realized by a recliner. The length adjustment device was designed to control the length of the seat. Angular adjustment was achieved by leg rest adjustment device. A large number of calculation and checking are required in every process, thus the appropriate parts can be chosen. Each device is verified to be workable and can satisfy the desired requirements.
    This design was closely around the basic function of car seat under the specified conditions, it can provide comfortable position for drivers and passengers and ensure the safety of the passengers. Safety and comfort of the chair is the most important function, which is also required to be solved in the process of research and design of the car seat
    Key Words : car seat ;recliner;length adjustment device;leg rest adjustment device
    摘    要    2
    1绪论    2
    2 汽车座椅的理论研究与设计    2
    2.1汽车座椅的设计原则    2
    2.1.1安全性    3
    2.1.2操纵方便    3
    2.1.3乘坐舒适    3
    2.2汽车座椅强度特性相关研究    3
    2.2.1座椅的静强度    3 座椅总成静强度标准    4座椅靠背静强度标准    4座椅头枕静强度标准    5
    2.2.2座椅的冲击强度    5
    2.2.3座椅的疲劳强度    6
    2.3汽车舒适性的相关研究    6
    2.3.1国内外汽车舒适性的研究现状    6
    2.3.2座椅舒适度的人体模型    7
    2.3.3座椅舒适性的设计要点    8
    3 汽车座椅靠背、腿托调节装置的设计    9
    3.1 汽车座椅用户计算分析    9
    3.1.1靠背受力情况:    9
    3.1.2坐垫受力情况:    10
    3.2 调角器的设计计算    11
    3.2.1 内外齿板的设计    11
    3.2.2 圆柱螺旋扭转弹簧的设计    14
    3.2.3 内齿板拉伸弹簧的设计    17
    3.2.4 平面涡卷弹簧的设计计算    19
    表3-4  平面涡卷弹簧设计计算结果    20
    3.3 座椅前后方向长度调节装置的设计    20
    3.3.1 标准直齿圆锥齿轮传动的设计    21
    3.3.2 螺旋传动的设计    24
    3.4 腿托角度调节装置的设计    27
    3.4.1 标准直齿圆锥齿轮传动的设计    27
    3.4.2 螺旋传动的设计    31
    3.4.3 曲柄滑块机构的设计    34
    4 主要结论和未来展望    36
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