


    毕业论文关键词: 汽车减振器;减振器试验台;三维建模


    With the rapid development of economy and automotive industry, people are increasingly seeking the comfort and safety of the vehicle Shock absorber as one of the important parts on the motor vehicle. In order to improve the performance of vehicle shock absorber, ensure the quality. It need to have the advanced detection instruments, thus the birth of shock absorber test bench.

    This article describes the research progress of the advanced domestic and foreign shock absorber test bench as well as the shock absorber of various test methods. With considering the quality, efficiency and safety of practicality, it is striving to design a simple structure, reliable, low cost, high efficiency, simple operation, easy maintenance of automotive shock absorber’s double-action test bench. Technical requirements and test methods of automotive shock absorbers in the GB as the basis. Through to the main components of automobile shock absorbers’ double-action test bench structural design, theoretical design calculations, working principle and performance analysis, the program have a detailed description. The three-dimensional model of automobile shock absorbers’ double-action test bench is building by Solidworks the 3D modeling software and completed the Engineering Drawing and virtual assembly. At the same time, the main components are analyzed with static finite element.

    Key words:  Automotive shock absorbers; Shock absorber test bench; three-dimensional modeling

     目   录

    第一章   绪 论 1

    1.1课题研究的背景和意义 1

    1.1.1课题的相关背景 1

    1.1.2课题的研究意义 2

    1.2课题相关的研究现状 3

    1.2.1 国外相关研究的现状 3

    1.2.2国内相关研究的现状 4

    1.2.3目前存在的问题 5

    1.3课题主要研究内容 5

    1.4本章小结 6

    第二章 减振器试验台设计的相关知识 7

    2.1汽车减振器试验台的种类介绍 7

    2.2汽车减振器试验台的设计依据 8

    2.2.1双筒液压式减振器的工作原理 8

    2.2.2减振器相关参数 10

    2.3试验台的技术条件 11


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