
    摘要车门车顶冲击试验台的研究主要包括车门车顶冲击试验台总功能方案设计,支撑架强度和刚度的计算,液压缸的选取和回路设计。最后再对车门车顶冲击试验台进行三维建模及CAD工程图纸的绘制。    46842

    车门车顶冲击试验台的总体结构设计原理如下:左右支撑架与端面转动座通过导轨滑块连接,中间是车门车顶冲击试验台,可以摆动 及转动 ,转动及摆动的驱动是通过液压马达实现的,车门车顶冲击试验台的升降运动可以通过左右两边的升降液压缸及杆传动装置实现。BIA车门车顶冲击安全试验系统整合了优异的操纵性、精确的测量和技术领先的数据采集系统,为结构完整性的量化提供了具有极高精度及简便性的解决方案。


    Abstract The door of the main roof concussion test-beds research including the door roof concussion test-beds total function scheme design, structure  stiffness and strength design calculation, hydraulic components design calculation of selection. Finally on the door roof impact test of 3 d modeling and CAD drawing the engineering drawings.

    The door impact the general structure of the test bed roof design principle as follows:supporting frame and right big supporting frame and end face turn a through the guide the slider connection, and the middle is the door roof concussion test-beds, can swing and turning the swinging drive is through and the realization of hydraulic pressure motor, the doors of the test bed of impact roof lifting movement can through the both sides of the lift oil cylinder and rod drive device to achieve. The door of BIA hit the roof safety test system integration the excellent handling, precise measurement and leading technology of data acquisition system, for the structural integrity of quantitative provides high precision and simple solution. 

    Keywords: the door roof impact test rig, mechanical structure design, 3 d model design,AutoCAD

    目  录

    第一章  绪论 - 1 -

    1.1 课题研究的目的和意义 - 1 -

    1.2侧面碰撞法规及防护措施 - 3 -

    1.2.1侧面碰撞法规 - 3 -

    1.2.2侧面碰撞防护措施 - 4 -

    1.3 GB 26134—2010乘用车顶部抗压强度 - 7 -

    1.4 国内外研究现状 - 9 -

    1.4.1国外研究现状 - 9 -

    1.4.2国内研究现状 - 11 -

    1.5 论文主要研究内容 - 13 -

    第二章  车门车顶冲击试验台总体结构方案设计 - 14 -

    2.1车门车顶冲击试验台机械设计的特点 - 14 -

    2.2车门车顶冲击试验台转动装置方案设计 - 15 -

    2.3车门车顶冲击试验台摆动方案设计 - 16 -

    第三章 车门车顶冲击试验台结构设计计算及分析 - 17 -

    3.1支撑架的结构强度校核计算分析 - 17 -

    3.1.1支撑架强度计算 - 17 -

    3.1.2 平台安装架强度计算 - 20 -

    3.2车门车顶冲击实验平台转动轴强度、刚度的校核 - 25 -

    3.2.1 车门车顶冲击实验平台转动轴的结构设计

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