


    毕业论文关键词:焊接专机; 焊装夹具;PLC控制

    Abstract   Welding machine for the specified the workpiece and must be the shape of the welding joint and special design of welding equipment, which is helpful to realize the welding production mechanization, automation, improve the welding production efficiency. This product is the section for U, long 6 m, 5 mm three fields, for 5 mm thickness of the junction box .Because long through long restriction, ordinary welding equipment can't be accurate and efficient welding, so need to design a special welding machine to the implementation of the welding. 

    Welding machine mainly includes the mechanical parts and and automatic control parts. This design emphasis of welding machine mechanical parts, mechanical parts of the body is driving welding mobile parts, including the motor, coupling, bearing and reducer, etc.; Automatic control part mainly PLC automatic control. 

    Keywords:Welding machine; Welding assembling fixture; PLC control  


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 焊接接技术的应用 1

    1.2 焊接机械装备 1

    1.3 焊接工艺确定分析 3

    第二章  机械传动装置设计 6

    2.1 传动方案的确定 5

    2.2 丝杠螺母的选择 5

    2.3 电动机选择 6

    第三章  机械减速器设计 10

    3.1 齿轮的设计与计算 10

    3.1.1 按齿面接触疲劳强度设计 10

    3.1.2 校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度 12

    3.2 轴的设计 12

    3.2.1 高速轴的设计 12

    3.2.2 低速轴的设计 14

    3.3 键的选择与校核 16

    3.3.1 高速级轴键的选择及校核 16

    3.3.2 低速轴上键的选择及校核 16

    3.4 轴承的选择与校核 17

    3.4.1 高速轴上滚动轴承的寿命 17

    3.4.2 低速轴上滚动轴承的寿命 17

    3.5 箱体结构尺寸选择 19

    第四章  专用夹具结构设计 20

    4.1 焊接夹具概述 20

    4.2 焊装夹具的定位原则 21

    4.3 基准的选择 22

    4.4 焊接专用夹具设计的步骤 23

    第五章  PLC设计概述 25

    5.1 控制系统方案概述

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