


    毕业论文关键词   活塞;工艺;夹具;工序卡;精度


    The connecting rod is one of the main driving medium of diesel engine, its status is obvious in engine. It is the main accessory of movement which can transmit the engine’s power. It can do the complex movement in the plane, the small connecting rod run the up and down with the piston;the big connecting rod is rolling in high speed with crankshaft; the connecting rod’s do the complex swing with the big and small connecting rod’s movement. Beside it is stood by the reciprocating inertia force, also under great pressure and gas pressure, the gas pressure and inertia synthesis alternating load, formed under the requires connecting rod fatigue resistance, impact resistance, and possess enough intensity, stiffness and good toughness. 

    This paper mainly discusses the processing technology and fixture design of piston.Piston dimension precision, the accuracy requirement of the shape and position precision is very high, engine piston material is aluminium alloy, its thermal conductivity, light weight, small inertia force, and has better cutting processability . Aluminium piston blank by metal mould casting, the precision of the blank is higher, the piston pin hole can be cast out, so the machining allowance can be reduced accordingly. According to the working conditions of the piston, structure features and technical requirements, design the two sets of process scheme, selection of the best ways to make the piston machining process planning, key process and designed two sets of special equipment used by special fixture.

    Key words :  Piston;  process;  fixture;  operation flow chart;  precision

    目  录

    1. 绪 论       6

    1.1 课题研究背景、目的、意义  

    1.1.1 汽车发动机活塞研究的背景和意义  

    1.1.2   汽车发动机活塞研究的意义 

       1.2 国内外活塞加工工艺的发展、现状及趋势 

    1.1.3 活塞加工工艺的发展 

    1.1.4 活塞加工工艺的现状 

    1.1.5 活塞加工工艺的趋势 

    1.1.6 活塞加工工艺存在的问题 

    2. 被加工零件的工艺特点 ... 2

    2.1  活塞的作用 . 2

    2.2  活塞的特点 . 2

    2.3  活塞的主要技术条件分析 3

       2.3.1  活塞裙部外圆与气缸的配合  

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