
    摘要柳编制品是我国传统的手工艺品之一。我国柳编资源丰富, 国内外需求量大。为取代手工生产,故而智慧的人们设计了劈条机。







    Abstract Willow products in China is one of the traditional arts and crafts. China's willow is rich in resources, domestic and foreign demand. To replace manual production, so wise people design the splitting machine.

    In order to save energy and convenient operation, wicker is often split, and manual split strip is not only a waste of manpower, but also very difficult to operate. As the liberation of human machine, cut machine application foreground is very wide.

    This graduation design aims to thoroughly study splitting machine structure, characteristics and working principle; in the study based on the completion of the splitting machine independent design, exquisite details of splitting machine design; in the design process to make the reasonable improvement, make the machine more economic, flexibility repair, more convenient.

    Because it is not commonly used agricultural machinery, so information about it is not that much. The seemingly simple structure also hides many design wisdom.

    Splitting machine main principle is to use two slotted round wheel wicker, and through the round wheel rotates to drive the wicker mobile, after cleaver will wicker.

    Which meet the needs of the main data is wicker grain shear stress, on the basis of complete machine design work. In the design process to solve a lot of problems, such as the wicker and circular wheel machine friction, how to realize split different diameter wicker, four wheel chain drive, via a belt pulley transmission and chain drive to achieve reduction rate and transmission power and other issues.

    Key words: splitting machine; willow; belt transmission; transmission chain

    目 录

    第一章 绪  论 1

    1.1 引言 1

    1.2 设计意义 1

    1.2.1 机械代替手工 1

    1.2.2 合理利用,减少浪费 1

    1.2.3 提高效率,绿色环保 1

    1.3 工作原理 2

    第二章 传动装置总体设计 6

    2.1传动设计方案 6

    第三章 劈条机刀具设计 8

    3.1 刀具材料选择 8

    3.1.1 常用刀具材料介绍 8

    3.1.3 本设计中的刀具材料

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