


    毕业论文关键词:机械手 ;PLC ;四自由度

    Abstract In the modern production process, the robot is extensive used in automated production lines, the manipulator developed and production has become a high-tech fields, rapidly developed a new technology, it more to promote the development of the manipulator, is the mechanical hand can be more better realize the organic combination of mechanization and automation.

    The design of the handling robot part by mechanical body parts and electronic control system. The mechanical parts of the screw slide drive the horizontal and vertical movement of the robot; the rotation of the gear drive chassis; Manipulator through the worm drive and close them able to grab the work piece. The electronic control system by Siemens PLC, stepper motor drives, DC motors, sensors, switching power supplies and other devices. On this basis, to explore the robot's control loop, and the robot drive components for selection and design. Set the I / O points, the design of PLC control system according to the robot control. The flow chart of the program design, implementation, control of robotic material handling.

    Keywords: Mechanical Arm; PLC; Four degrees of freedom


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2机械手的应用意义 2

    1.3机械手的发展趋势 3

    1.4可编程序控制器简介 3

    1.5本课题研究内容 5

    第二章 机械手结构设计和系统的接线及工作流程 6

    2.1 机械手结构设计 6

    2.1.1机械手的动作分析 6

    2.1.3电机的固定 7

    2.2系统硬件的接线及工作流程 8

    2.2.1系统硬件的接线 8

    2.2.2工作流程 9

    2.2.3外围设备的接线 10

    第三章 机械手电控元件的选型 12

    3.1可编程序控制器(PLC) 12

    3.1.1常用PLC简介 12

    3.1.2 PLC的选择 13

    3.1.3 S7-200的CPU选择 15

    3.2步进电机的选择 17

    3.2.1 步进电机介绍 17

    3.2.2 升降电机选择 17

    3.2.3 水平步进电机 19


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