


    Abstract Technology continues to evolve along with 4 degrees of freedom robotic arm manipulator has some ability to look for haptic and tactile and visual feedback related control. Modern 4 degrees of freedom robotic arm can also be responsible according to the instructions given by the control and understanding of themselves and the surrounding environment. 4 degrees of freedom manipulator is designed for Mars exploration car access to the Martian surface soil or rock material. Requirements to an alien probe, the energy crisis, so the robotic arm of the lightweight design is necessary, the robotic arm of the anterior and posterior to the hollow. The choice of materials but also in the case of statics kinematic analysis allowed to select a lighter type. Including the selection of the motor, micro DC motor control. After the completion of the selection, you need to draw the robot arm two-dimensional CAD drawings, before and after the arm to meet 460mm standard, and through the motor and gear reducer reducer reducer complete the operation. Last Sliodworks draw a solid model of the manipulator.

    Keyword: Robotic arm technology


    第一章 绪论 9

    1.1课题的研究背景 9

    1.2课题的研究意义 11

    1.3各国竞相探火星 12

    第二章 采于样本采集的4自由度机械臂结构设计与研究总体上的方案 15

    2.1   机械臂的各个构成系统 15

    2.2   采于样本采集的4自由度机械臂的执行机构 17

    2.3  机械臂的自由度分析 17

    第三章 采于样本采集的4自由度机械臂结构设计与研究的运动学分析 18

    3.1  4自由度机械臂的运动学概述 18

    3.2  机器人的运动过程分析 19

    第四章 采于样本采集的4自由度机械臂的结构设计与研究的静力学分析 20

    4.1  机械臂的静力学分析 20

    第五章 采于样本采集的4自由度机械臂结构设计与研究机械本体的研制方法 23

    5.1  4自由度机械臂运动控制系统的硬件研究 23

    5.2  4自由度机械臂驱动器的特点和功能 25

    第六章 机械臂的CAD绘图 26

    6.1  AutoCAD软件的应用 26

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