







    Cylinder sleeve is a key part of diesel engine, it directly determines the merits of the diesel engine performance. It must attach importance to the sliding parts of the main diesel engine cylinder sleeve's research and manufacturing equipment research. This issue is designed the vertical lathe for the large cylinder sleeve processed. Beams are important components of vertical lathe.

    This thesis mainly studies three dimensional modeling and finite element analysis of the beam. The analysis for the static dynamic characteristics of the beams is used to verify the designed beam whether meet the requirements to ensure that the overall performance of vertical lathe. Mainly research contents as follows:

    (1)Determine the machine tool structure by Accessing to information. Construct  the three dimensional modeling of the vertical lathe by using the solidworks. Determine the specific parameters of the beam.

    (2)Under the premise of ensuring fully reflect the actual mechanical properties of the beams model and Keeping the main parameters of the beams model,simplifying the model to save significant computing time.

    (3) By the dynamic analysis,the Finite Element Analysis of beams model in Three different limit position are carried out, the stress diagram and displacement diagram of the beams are also calculated, maximum stress and strain of the beams is obtained, analyze the beam design whether meet the requirements by the comparison parameters.

    Keywords:Large cylinder sleeve; Vertical lathe; Beams; Finite element analysis; ANSYS

    目  录

    第一章 绪论1

    1.1 课题研究背景及意义1

    1.1.1 基于复合材料的常规本构模型的细观结构优化设计的局限性1

    1.1.2 数控机床的组成工作原理及特点2

    1.1.3 大型缸套的加工3

    1.1.4 中心架定心机构的研究现状3

    1.2 国内外发展状况3

    1.2.1 国内研究状况3

    1.2.2 国外研究状况4

    1.3 建模软件介绍5

    1.3.1 SolidWorks软件概述5

    1.3.2 ANSYS软件概述-6

    1.4 课题主要研究内容及研究方法措施6

    1.4.1 课题主要研究内容6

    1.4.2 研究方法、步骤和措施等-7

    1.5 本章小结7

    第二章 大型缸套专用立式车床定横梁组件三维CAD建模-8

    2.1 CAD的概述-8

    2.1.1 计算机辅助设计的基本概念及内容8

    2.1.2 计算机辅助设计的发展9

    2.2 大型缸套专用立式车床三维建模9




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