




    Abstract With many special and important parts of complex shape processing requirements are high, as well as aerospace, marine, automotive, military and other fields the rapid development of manufacturing industries need more advanced CNC machine tools to meet the needs of those parts of the process. The propeller is a typical free complex surface parts, machining difficult. Therefore, in view of the many difficulties and propeller machining requirements, we design a five-axis CNC machine tools.

        This article references a lot of information at home and abroad, introduced the propeller milling machining of large multi-degree of freedom of the overall structural design. First, understand the structure of the traditional common tool to determine the overall design of the program; overall machine gantry structure, stiffness is relatively large; and then design the beams, columns, carriage, ram structure, by selecting the appropriate reasonable cross-section shape and arrangement the ribs, so that the machine bulky weight, improved stiffness and strength; followed by the design of the horizontal and vertical directions of transmission, the design uses a ball screw nut, can achieve high transmission accuracy, while the vertical arranged in a straight direction to balance the hydraulic cylinder ram and five-axis milling gravity; finally through the ANSYS finite element analysis to verify the design results.

        The results showed that the success of this design can meet the design mission requirements, while improving the processing efficiency. 

    Keywords: Five-axis; milling machine; ball; finite element;

    目  录

    第一章  绪  论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 国内外五轴联动机床发展的现状 2

    1.3本论文主要研究内容 2

    第二章 工作原理及总体方案设计 4

    2.1机床总体设计的基本要求 4

    2.2机床设计的步骤 4

    2.3机床的总体布局原则 5

    2.4本机床的工作原理 6

    2.5本机床的总体方案设计 6

    2.5.1机床总布局设计 6

    2.5.2机床传动系统的设计 8


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