






    This paper expound the development of barley grader,including trends of development and directions of development. It performs important effect in the industry of preparing barley. The paper will raise a new idea of barley grader designing based on the Physical design of the barley grader interiorly through the study of current situation of the barley grader.

    Nowadays that economic globalization develops,it’s the key element that if you can take full advantage of resource and every material.The different size of barley that separating out though the grader can classify and process separately according different require.It can further reflect the value of every material and the continuing development of the society.The writer performs investigation according the present production situation of the barley grader and raises a new designing.At first,the writer performs the calculation about the new designing,then checks the result and performs the 3Dmodeling and simulation though the software called solidworks and makes the drawing,at last,optimizing the drawing by the software called AutoCAD.

    After we finish the design of the structure,we will do FEA on the main structure(including the frame and the drive shaft)by the Cosmos part of the software Solidworks.Then we optimize the structure to ensure the safety of whole structure.We also can find out the dangerous section and prevent the danger to improve the lifetime of the machine.

    This paper is aimed at doing some new trying and exploring about the designing ways of the barley grader and the paper is only about the research of the theory ways.The further research will be done if the machine uses in the production.However,the design idea that design-software analysis-optimize-finish the paper raised,will have a inspired and promoted effect on the modernization industry in our country.

    Key words:the technology of preparing barley,grader,structure design,the FEA,optimized design

    目    录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 大麦分级机在制麦工业中的运用 1

    1.2 优质大麦的定义 1

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