    摘   要   数字显示由于具有读数直观,不需要估读小数,可以改善操作人员的劳动条件,可以连接打印机,提高工作效率等优点,越来越多地被用于精密仪器与机床上。为了满足立式光学计在实际应用中的要求。我们需要对塞规的主要几何参数进行精密测量,塞规的主要分为通规和止规。在实际生产中大批量的产品若采取用计量量具(如游标卡尺,千分表等有刻度的量具)逐个测量很费事。我们知道合格的产品是有一个度量范围的,在这个范围内的都合格,所以人们便采取通规和止规来测量,再与标准的量块做比较,得出孔是否合格的结论。 本次毕业设计运用了二维处理软件 CAD、三维建模软件 SolidWorks、视频制作软件 Corel VideoStudio Pro X4、声音处理软件 GoldWave,以及多媒体制作软件 Authorware,来讲述“数显立式光学计测量塞规的实验”。 进而有效地改变了传统教学的单调模式。此次,多媒体制作加入了音乐、图片、动画以及言简意赅的文字,使教学课堂更加生动形象,不仅增加了学生对实验的兴趣,同时也将会对数显立式光学计有了更深层次的了解。  51998
    Abstract  Number shows to don't need to estimate to read fraction due to having to read number to keep a view, it`s can improve the labor condition of operating the personnel, and  link a printer, raise advantages like work efficiency, more and more be used for precise instrument and tool machine up. For satisfying a sign type the optics accounts at physically applied in  of request. We need to fill a rules of mainly several what parameter carry on precise diagraph, fill a mainly being pided into of the rules a rules and rules.  Large numbers of products of quantity in the middle of physically producing if adopting to use  to calculate quantity to have  is like the cursor card Chinese foot, thousand cents, form etc. includes the quantity to engrave a degree to have) to pursue a diagraph is very troublesome. We know qualified product is have a generous character scope, in this scope of all qualified, so people then adopt a rules and rules to measure, again with standard of the quantity piece does a comparison, get bore whether qualified conclusion. This graduation designed to make use of the two dimensions processing software  CAD and 3D model software SolidWorks and video frequency creation software Corel the Pro X4, voice of VideoStudio processing software GoldWave, and multimedia creation software Authorware, relate "number show a sign type optics to account measure to fill the experiment of rules.  Then and availably changed the monotonous mode of traditional teaching. Is this time, the multimedia creation joined music, picture and animation  and comprehensive writing and made the teaching classroom more vivid image, not only increased a student to experiment of interest, also will the logarithms show a sign type optics to account understand of having deeper time. 
    Keyword: Number shows ; Multimedia; The sign type optics accounts; Fill a rules; Quantity piece

    目  录                           

    第一章 绪论  .. 1 

    1.1 引言  ..  1 

    1.2 研究的意义、研究现状及存在的问题  .  1 

    第二章  数显立式光学计测量塞规实验介绍. 4 

    2.1 实验目的  .  4 

    2.2 实验仪器的介绍  .  4 

    2.3 实验原理介绍    5 

    2.3.1 数显立式光学计的测量原理    5 

    2.3.2 数显立式光学计的测量步骤    6 

    2.4 实验测量结果    7 

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