



    毕业论文关键词:摆线传动 ; 摆线轮 ; 受力分析 

    Abstract Cycloid planetary reducer as an important mechanical transmission components with small size, light weight, high transmission efficiency characteristics. The design of multi-tooth meshing in full consideration, smooth running gear are contained kinematics and dynamics of such requirements, to achieve high load capacity, high transmission efficiency, high reliability and excellent dynamic performance and other indicators, but also to ease of manufacturing, assembly and maintenance, with a reasonable structure design of the cycloid planetary reducer.

    This thesis mainly through the cycloid planetary gear reducer drive characteristics and working principle of analysis, the output cycloid pin gear planetary transmission of this new transmission mode are analyzed to obtain their design theory and methods. Mainly from the common cycloid planetary transmission, this paper presents the output cycloid pin gear planetary transmission in the form of design calculation methods.

    This article from the following aspects output cycloid pin gear planetary transmission were studied: Referring first cycloidal planetary transmission traditional design methods for basic parameters of the output cycloid pin gear planetary transmission main components of the basic parameters of the design calculations and stress analysis and calculation of the drive system includes a crank shaft bearings and the support bearing load size, including the completion of cycloid wheel, crank shaft and other major parts strength check calculation and bearing life calculation, and then use the CAD drawing of the main parts sketches and final assembly drawings.

    Keywords:  Cycloid gear; Cycloid; stress analysis


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1课题来源及意义 1

    1.2国内外摆线传动研究现状 1

    1.3论文的主要研究内容 4

    第二章 曲面摆线传动原理及基本结构 4

    2.1引言 4

    2.2曲面摆线传动原理及结构 5

    2.3摆线轮实际齿廓方程 6

    2.4运动连续性分析 9

    第三章 曲面摆线精密传动研制 13

    3.1引言 13

    3.2曲面摆线传动结构设计 14


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