


    Brush automatically tracks the locomotive body and drive mechanism design

    Abstract: Brush technology point to the metal surface, is a process by electroplating, metal plating layer attached to the surface, so as to achieve the purpose of strengthening, anti-corrosion and surface of the metal surface defect remedy. Brush technology dates back to 19th century England, and our technology has developed around the 1960s of brush technology is relatively mature, and gradually developed to used in industrial production among. Now, the conventional plating technology has been far from satisfying the needs of daily life, more and more industrial process automation in combination, thereby raised to a new height. For plating and automation technology combination, the concept of automatic brush, the benefits can be very broad and effective services in industrial production. For railways, the same benefit from the brush technique. In the brush application of technology, to brush the surface of the step rail tracks can be a good maintenance of the rail surface hardening, to reach a certain shape and position accuracy and surface roughness, while protecting the metal surface to enhance its anti-rust corrosion ability. In this thesis, based on recent brush modern technology, combined with automation applications, design a more convenient auto brush machine. Required to meet the performance indicators proposed in the actual use of the function, and to ensure the reasonableness of its structure. Designed mainly for automatic design-driven approach designed brush locomotive body, but also consider the strength of stiffness conditions, to build three-dimensional modeling and assembly, and other content. The design for the first vehicle designed to meet the limitations of body mass and load, while it may be required to meet the requirements of simple stitching, as well as the strength and stiffness of the restriction. Select different forms of internal and external structure of the body, and finally selected a more appropriate structure to meet the requirements of the vehicle parameter limits. In determining its basic framework, the reference to the technical requirements, select the drive mechanism, in contrast to the roar selection of servo motor vehicle operating on the rail. Power generator and the battery is used in conjunction to provide walking and plating equipment working power consumption requirements. After the size of the various components of the preparation spliced, and finally the NX 3D representation of the vehicle body to optimize the revised data, the final completion of the requirements of 2D and 3D drawings.

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