


    A series of high-speed automatic presses the plate roller balancing equipment design

    ABSTRACT:In today's increasingly competitive society, the enterprise product development put forward higher requirements, how to develop a low-cost high-quality products in a short period has become the key to improving the competitiveness of enterprises. Balancing machine is a rotating machine parts and rotating balance correction key equipment, currently in the country which is still mainly done by hand design, design quality and relatively low efficiency, it has been unable to meet rapidly changing market demands. Greater impact on high-speed rotating machinery by the material, impact, corrosion, wear, coke machine will create an imbalance in the rotor system failures. Vibration of rotating machinery and 70% from the unbalanced rotor system. In this paper, high-speed printing press plate roller angle of the rotor is designed to support a horizontal hard balancing machines, available through access to information cited case design balancing machines each part of the device, according to the actual situation to select the optimal case. Then through the use of Siemens' NX software to build a three-dimensional model of the machine, the final design of this work are summarized and sentiment.

    Keywords:Balancing machines; vibration; Plate roller; unbalance

    目  录

    1  绪论 6

    1.1  课题的提出6

    1.1.1  国内外研究现状 6

    1.1.2  几种常见动不平衡对印刷机的影响 7

    1.1.3  印刷机版辊的动平衡 8

    1.2  课题的主要内容和研究意义9

    1.2.1  主要内容  9

    1.2.2  研究意义9

    1.3  本章小结 9

    2  动平衡机设计的基本理论基础 10

    2.1  转子的动平衡 10

    2.1.1  转子的不平衡的基本概念 10

    2.1.2  转子的动平衡方法11

    2.2  印刷机印版棍的动平衡计算 11

    2.2.1  算例一:配重法 11

    2.2.2  算例二:加平衡杆法 12

    2.3  本章小结 14

    3  动平衡机的总体设计分析14

    3.1  印版辊简介与其动平衡检测标准 14

    3.2  动平衡机的功能要求与总体结构 15

    3.3  机械装置部分 16

    3.3.1  床身16

    3.3.2  摆架系统 17

    3.4  电气测量装置部分18

    3.4.1  测量系统概述18

    3.4.2  传感器的选用18

    3.4.3  滤波器的设计19

    3.5  驱动系统装置部分19

    3.5.1  驱动系统概述19

    3.5.2  电机 20

    3.5.3  驱动方式 20

    3.6  本章小结 22

    4  本机的设计计算与建模23

    4.1  机械系统的设计与计算23

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