




    毕业论文关键词  水平冲击试验台  夹具  方案设计  三维实体建模  有限元分析


    Title Design and  Finite Element Analysis of a Special Fixture for the Horizontal shock testing machine

    A Abstract

    In the paper, a universal fixture for the horizontal shock test bench is designed, which can be used to clamp cylindrical specimen in a certain range. The structural design, three-dimensional solid  modeling and finite element analysis are used on the fixtures, which mainly includes:

    (1) According to the level of shock test bench works, as well as the structure and shape, the structure of fixtures is designed to tentatively satisfy the requirements for the overall design. Various components of the structure are detailed designed and the appropriate size is determined according to the functional decomposition.

    (2) The parts of the fixture are three-dimensional solid modeled using Solidworks software, and every part is assembled to obtain the fixture. Animation is made to simulate the setup process.

    (3) The three-dimensional solid model of fixtures is meshed using Hypermesh software, and put the three-dimensional mesh into Abaqus software through inp document. Displacement boundary conditions and loads are applied to obtain the static finite element model under gravity and the dynamic model under shock load. The stress distribution contour, displacement distribution contour and the curve of the output point value changing over time were obtained through simulation and calculation. The reasonable solution in which the weight is lighter and material distribution is more reasonable is got based on the calculation result and optimal design plan. Fixture optimization simulation shows that the specific fixtures meet the strength and stiffness requirements, in line with the test requirements of impact test bench.

    Keywords:Horizontal shock test bench  Fixture  Tentative design  Three-dimensional solid modeling  Finite element analysis  

     1  绪论 1

    1.1  本课题的研究意义 1

    1.2  冲击试验台及夹具概述 1

    1.3  三维建模技术的发展 2

    1.4  有限元法的简介情况及发展 3

    1.5  本文主要研究内容 5

    2  水平冲击试验台夹具结构设计

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