    本文通过对 HyperMesh 的学习,以某重型载货汽车车架为例,建立了基于板壳单元的车架结构有限元模型;在板壳单元有限元模型的基础上对车架结构的静、动态性能进行了分析与研究;建立了以梁单元为基础的车架结构的优化模型。8613
    对用于有限元前后处理软件 HyperMesh 的特点、用户界面及数据存储结构进行了简要的介绍,为以后应用这个软件做好了准备。
    Title  The simulation and optimization of overloaded vehicles frame structure
    Through studying HyperMesh software this thesis built the FEAmodel of a heavy-duty truck with shell elements. Based on the model the authorstudied the static and dynamic performance of the truck’s frame structure. At last,the author built a simple optimization model of the truck’s frame. With theobjective that the volume of the frame is minimal the author optimized the carlingsection dimensions.
    The characteristic, user interfaces and data storage structure of HyperMesh aresimply introduced.Be prepared to use the HyperMesh software in the next step.
    In this paper, we use HyperMesh software to build theFEA model of some heavy-duty truck’s frame based on the theory of FEM andgive out the process of building model. The author advanced the way to connectthe shell elements, on which how to apply shell elements on frame structureanalysis is prepared for.
    The paper researches on several performance of the frame,standards the steps of static and dynamic analysis. By comparing the static effectsof the two connection models we know that the connection model is better. Through the research on the static and dynamic performance of the truck’sframe we can know the performance of the frame and evaluate whether the framedesign is successful or not.
    Key words: Heavy-duty truck, Frame, Finite element method,
    HyperMesh,Static analysis.
    第一章 绪论    5
    1.1 课题背景    5
    1.2 有限元法在车架结构设计中的应用现状及问题    5
    1.2.1 车架结构有限元模型的形式    5
    1.2.2 车架结构有限元分析类型    6
    1.2.3 有限元法在车架结构分析中存在的问题    7
    1.3 本文的主要研究内容    8
    第二章 车架有限元分析方法及工具软件介绍    9
    2.1概述    9
    2.2 静力分析基本理论及流程    9
    2.3 HyperMesh软件简介    11
    第三章 车架结构有限元建模    13
    3.1 有限元法在重载货车车架分析中的应用    13
    3.2 建模准备    13
    3.2.1 重载车车架有限元模型    13
    3.2.2 重载车车架模型的简化    14
    3.2.3 车架连接形式的建模处理方式的选择    15
    3.2.4 网格的划分及其质量控制原则    15
    3.2.5 车架有限元分析边界条件的建立    17
    3.3 本章小结    19
    第四章 车架结构性能的分析与研究    20
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