    摘要圆度误差是指在垂直于回转轴线截面上的轮廓对理想圆的变动量。圆度误差可以用多种方法测量, 如V型块法、气动法、光干涉法等。其中以精密主轴回转式圆度仪精度高、测量方便、测量速度快,因而应用最为广泛。圆度仪按照结构的不同可分为主轴旋转式和工作台旋转式两种。本文论述的圆度仪即是采用工作台旋转式测量的仪器。主要论述了工作台旋转式圆度仪的总体设计,将圆度仪的工作原理、机械结构和设计要求作了一定的阐述并对此圆度仪的精密立柱材料的选择、结构设计、电机的选择以及传感器的选择作了进一步的分析。本文也介绍了基于LEBVIEW的软件编程。8864
    Roundness error is refers to the profile on cross section perpendicular to the rotating axis of ideal circular movements. Roundness error can be measured with a variety of methods, such as V block method, aerodynamic method, light interference method, etc. With high precision spindle rotary precision roundness instrument, measurement convenience, fast measurement speed, and therefore the most widely used. Roundness instrument according to the structure of different spindle rotary and rotary table can be pided into two kinds. This paper discusses the roundness instrument is using rotary table measuring instrument. Mainly discusses the general design of the rotary table roundness instrument, roundness instrument, the working principle, design of mechanical structure and requirements of certain elaboration and roundness instrument precision column material choice, structure design, selection of motor and sensor selection for further analysis. This paper also introduces the software programming based on LabviewKeyword: Circular Degree; Roundness Instrument; The Mechanical Structure; Precise Vertical Prism; The Sensor;Labview      
    1绪 论    1
    1.1 研究的目的和意义    1
    1.2 圆度仪的国内外发展现状    1
    1.2.1 圆度误差测量仪器的现状    1
    1.2.2 圆度误差在线接触检测的现状    2
    1.2.3 圆形截面的圆度误差视觉检测    3
    1.2.4 圆轴的圆度误差视觉检测    3
    1.3 圆度仪的改进与提高    4
    2 圆度误差的测量与评定    5
    2.1 圆度误差的测量方法    5
    2.1.1 圆度误差的两点三点测量法    5
    2.1.2 圆度误差的坐标测量法    6
    2.2 圆度误差的评定方法    6
    3 圆度仪的总体设计    8
    3.1 圆度仪的技术指标    8
    3.2 圆度仪的工作原理    8
    3.3 圆度仪的机械结构    10
    3.3.1 箱体    11
    3.3.2 电机、弹性联轴节    11
    3.3.4 传感器与自动调节装置    19
    3.4 精密立柱的设计    19
    3.4.1 精密立柱    19
    3.4.2 滑板与立柱的连接    21
    3.5 基于LAB VIEW 8的软件编程    21
    4 传感器    24
    4.1 传感器的选用原则    24
    4.2 传感器的选择    25
    4.3 传感器的安装    26
    5 圆度仪的精度分析    27
    5.1 工件安装偏心误差    27
    5.2 倾斜误差    27
    5.3 主轴回转误差    27
    5.4 综合误差    27
    参考文献    30
    1绪 论
    1.1 研究的目的和意义
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